Summary: Brian leaves for New York in season one, leaving Justin behind.
Disclaimer: To Cowlip, Vertical Horizon and who more wants to step forward to reclaim their rights. I own nothing, and make no money of anything.
Chapter One : So you sailed away
'So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning
Now I'm here to stay
Love can be so boring'
Brian took the bags to the door. Gave one last long look at the loft and sighed.
'Justin, you can't stay here'
'You can't force me to leave'
'You're acting like a spoiled kid'
'At the moment, I don't care'
'I have to go. Will you say goodbye to me? '
'Are those your last words?'
Justin clenched his lip.
'Go ahead. Leave me here. See if I care.', he shouted at him as he rose from the couch, went to the room and fell into bed.
Brian opened the door to the loft and waited. Justin tried not to cry and muttered to himself 'I love you'.
Brian almost didn't hear him. Turned his back and went to the land of opportunities, with new projects and new men, something that he could be on par with. Yes, New York would be more exciting, even without Sunshine, even without the boring idea of love that he had gotten used to, not that he would ever admit. Maybe New York was the city that was ready for a new Brian Kinney.