Apocalypse Kree 2013 - Official Rules Post

Jul 30, 2013 23:09

It looks like there's interest, so apocalypse_kree is on for another year! This is the rules post; the prompt post will go up right after this.

One big change this year: since this is not an exchange (and since I'd like to encourage as much participation as possible), I'm going to open up the challenge to art as well as fic. If you want to create an image of our heroes (or their enemies) dealing with the end of the world, claim a prompt and go for it.

The Official Rules

The Process:

1. Readers and creators will submit prompts to the prompt post.
2. I'll make a master list of prompts.
3. Creators will claim a prompt they wish to create something for.
4. Creators will have a significant amount of time to create their fanworks.
5. Creators will post their works during the week that works are due.

The Timeline:

July 30 - August 12th: Prompts may be submitted.
August 13th: Prompt claiming begins.
September 30th: Prompt claiming closes.
October 1st - October 15th: Works should be posted sometime during this period.

The Prompts:

1. Anyone can submit prompts. Even if you’re not a creator and/or don’t plan on creating anything.
2. Prompts must be more than one word. Traditional apocafic prompts are welcome, as well as those that put a different spin on things. Try and get creative. You can use specific scenarios, a series of words, lyrics (try to keep these down to a few lines), quotes, pictures (please link to and warn for non-work safe pics), episodes, etc....
3. You CAN require specific pairings for your prompts. You cannot specify ‘het only’ or ‘slash only’, although you can specify ‘gen’ or ‘team’.
4. You can also submit 'any' prompts that can be written with any pairing or none.
5. Feel free to submit multiple prompts.
6. I reserve the right to throw out prompts that are only one word, that are repeats of another prompt (unless they’re a different pairing) or that are graphic and intense. (You really have to submit something pretty sick to gross me out, so I don’t foresee this as a problem. It’s really more of a ‘don’t post pics of entrails’ type of thing.)
7. You may, if you wish, submit up to ten unclaimed prompts from previous rounds that you'd really like to see something created for (or that you really want to create something for). These do not have to be prompts you submitted--just prompts you like. Please indicate that they're recycled prompts. Follow the prompt tag to find the old prompts.

The Rules:

1. Prompts will be claimed first come/first serve. I realize this gives my half of the world a slight advantage, but I’m hoping there will be plenty of prompts, and people often take a while to decide which prompts they want.
2. You may claim up to two prompts to start.
3. You may claim your own prompts if you wish.
4. If you finish early, you're welcome to come back and claim another prompt. And then another, until we run out of time.
5. If you find a prompt isn't working for you, you're welcome to return to the claim post and trade it in for a different one at any point.
6. If you know you're not going to finish before the close of the claiming period, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know by replying to this post so that I can add your prompt back into the pot.

Note: This is not the prompt post. Prompts go over here.

Please reply to this post with questions, comments, snide remarks and early notifications of inability to finish a story so that I can release your prompt back into the wild. COMMENTS ARE SCREENED. Comments and questions will be unscreened; drop-out notifications will remain screened.

Finally, please feel free to pimp! There are some banners here. If you want to make your own, please, go ahead.

rules and timeline, admin

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