Given the recent changes to LJ's TOS and the subsequent migration to Dreamwidth, I'm considering either backing up
apocalypse_kree over there, or just moving the whole community over. Before I do, how do you all feel about that?
If you participate as either a writer or reader in
apocalypse_kree and have an opinion on LJ vs. DW, please fill in the poll below.
Poll Opinions on moving to Dreamwidth
Comments 4
But I don't currently have the time/energy to back up, copy, etc the comms I have and to find the folk I've friended to see what they are doing... so I'm not giving up soon..
Whichever will be fine!
Under the new TOS (the binding version of which is only available in Russian, so if you don't speak Russian, you don't actually know what you're agreeing to), all content is supposed to abide by the laws of the Russian federation. The general feeling seems to be that they're going to target political speech, but it looks like LGBT material could also be targeted or taken down.
I don't think the new LJ terms are likely to directly negatively impact most non-Russian users, apart from the possible deletion of LGBT discussions or fic--or possibly only if it's not marked 18+; it's not clear--but I also know some people really don't like agreeing to terms they can't read.
There are a few articles out there, if you want to read more. Here for example, or here.
Does that help?
That helps! Thank you. I notice that some LJ users have changed their names to end with, so I assume that means they have moved their stuff to dw?
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