Second Art Claims

Feb 10, 2015 13:10

Exciting news, everyone ( Read more... )

!mod, claims, round three

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Comments 3

del_rion February 10 2015, 21:05:13 UTC
This caught my attention when I was checking for something else, but it would kind of seem (I could totally be wrong!), that you didn't actually assign fic #2 to anyone although it was claimed, instead jumping to #4 with claimer number two, so in fact only 4 of 5 stories are claimed... (but, really, this could just be me cross-eyed at 11pm.)


unavoidedcrisis February 10 2015, 21:46:42 UTC
It was claimed on Dreamwidth :) :)


del_rion February 11 2015, 06:01:49 UTC
Heh, well, that explains it. (Simultaneous claims are so tricky.)

Yay for all fics getting claimed! That has been a rare occurrence in most of the multi-fandom bangs I've participated in lately.


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