Q: What is a big bang?
A: Big bangs vary from fandom to fandom, or from theme to theme, but generally, a big bang is a collaboration challenge between a writer (or writers) and an artist (or artists) with the end goal being the production of a piece of writing and art that complement each other.
Q: What's my commitment as a writer?
A: A 15,000 word (minimum) story that fits the theme of the challenge, a timely completion of said story, and a basic level of communication with the challenge mods and any/all artist you may be paired up with (read: check-ins, sending story to artist, answering questions that may be asked of you). You'll also be expected to have your story beta-read before posting.
Q: What's my commitment as an artist?
A: Art based on the story you choose. What counts as art is a little more difficult to specify than what counts as a story, but ideas for you to consider include traditional art, graphics or photo-manipulations, podfic, fanmixes, vids, crafty type things (macaroni sculptures accepted and encouraged)... If you want to do something not listed, drop a comment and the brain trust will discuss it. You'll also be expected to maintain a basic level of communication with challenge mods and any writer you're paired up with (read: check ins, emails).
Q: What fandoms will be accepted for this challenge?
A: All of them and original fic. Welcome, welcome, one and all!
Q: Can I participate with a buddy?
A: Writing teams are allowed, art teams are allowed, just make sure you make it clear when you sign up who all will be participating and what email address you'd like to be contacted at. Writers signing up with an artist already in mind and vice versa will be discouraged, but not absolutely prohibited. It's much more fun to explore the unknown and to potentially get matched up with someone new. Maybe you'll make a new bff.
Q: Can what I write be the sequel or prequel to something I've already written?
A: As long as it stands alone.
Q: Does my story need to be beta'd/edited?
A: Yes.
Q: I already created something that fits this theme -- can I use that?
A: That's awesome! But no. New productions only for Apocalypse Bang. If you have a started but not quite done piece you'd like to use, we'll welcome that, so long as you'll be adding at least 10k (or 66% of the minimum word count) of new fic for the challenge.
Q: This is too awesome and I want to be a writer and an artist! Can I do that?
A: Absolutely, and the mods applaud you on your gumption. Just be sure you can do both without one getting neglected or your sleep schedule suffering too much, and don't pick your own story when it comes time for art claims.
Q: How do art claims work?
A: The absolute nitty-gritty will be announced closer to claims time, but on the day, a post will be made with all the submitted author summaries and artists will claim on a first-come, first-served basis and be matched up that way. We may go into multiple claims having one artist do art to accompany multiple stories if all the stories are not claimed in the first round, or we may have an instance where stories end up with more than one artist working with them. It depends on how the sign ups go :) Once everyone is happy and matched up, we party.
Artists will be making art (of whatever type of art/creative thing they desire, I'm going to say 'art' to cover it all), ONLY if they want to. Ideally, every fic will get some kind of complementary art-thing and I am going to do my level best to have it go that way, but, you know, ideally I would also be a magic flying horse made of Skittles. Sometimes, I don't get what I want. So, no, artists will not be forced to claim extra stories or anything like that.
Q: Can I join/watch the community?
A: Please do, it's lonely here.
Q: What counts as an 'apocalypse' for this challenge?
A: The end of the world. Or the universe, or part of the world, or a certain character's world. You can focus on pre-or-post apocalypse, surviving the apocalypse, not surviving the apocalypse, stopping it, starting it, whatever grabs you. There's also a definition of apocalypse that means "a deep revelation," so that could be something you could work with too. The world is really your oyster (to destroy).
Q: I have a question you didn't answer, what do I do?
A: Drop it in the comments! Chances are, someone else has that same question. If it's not something you're comfortable asking the whole wide internet, PM the mod (
unavoidedcrisis, or email the mod email account - apocalypticmod@gmail.com.