Very close to finishing... probably tmr. Things are picking up but I know they are headed for cliffhangers, so I kinda want to delay the end because who knows when we'll see the next book.
I'm not really feeling the pacing. Maybe it's because I'm distracted by a new job and this obscene sweltering heat, but I feel like the story is unspooling in fitful stops and starts. Too much build-up and set-up, and then an event actually happens, but then we cut away to more build-up and set-up.
I like what's happening in the north, on the Wall and during the long march. The Winterfell stuff is particularly fascinating/distressing because I'm just like "Theon omg, Lord Manderly's wedding pies omg, Mance omg, what is Stannis going to do omg." Very tense and creepy. But then we cut away to Tyrion and Daenerys, mired in the Meereenese Knot, and I don't really care about Daario and Penny and all the slaver armies and sellsword companies taking screentime away from the stuff I find more interesting:
-Bran and Arya learning their respective arts. LOVE IT.
-Doran sending the Sand Snakes out on missions
-Barbrey Dustin/Brandon Stark history
-Blackwood vs Bracken backstory (hi Jaime! bye Jaime! you and Brienne stay out of trouble!)
-northern/wildling ladies: Val, the "washerwomen," Alys Karstark, Alysane Mormont
-Wun Wun!
-Jon Connington's relationship with Rhaegar (can't believe Baby Aegon and the Golden Company are in Westeros! AHHHHHH)
-Barristan loving Ashara Dayne from afar
Irri vs Jhiqui is lolworthy, though. And it's about time we see some dragons in action, considering the title of the book.