Title: Washed Away
Pairing: Kara/Lee of course
Prompts: Taking place before "Never Forgotten," Lee is dealing with being all alone on Earth.
Ratted: Teen
Hi again!! So okay, I was checking out the prompt submissions for the Always Awesome BSG Porn Battle #3 (found here
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Comments 23
I love the snippets of Kara talking to him, joining him, comforting him - yet not wrapping it up with a pretty bow and making her re-appear. (not that I don't love pretty bow stories!!) But, taking him through this logical journey that RDM sent him on yet you not having him *completely* alone is worthwhile and enjoyable for Lee fans.
Thank you!
thanks for the review.
yeah i think that they could never leave each other. they were so connected that nothing could keep them from each other, not even death. but the way she looked right before the poof it just feels that she would definitely help him when he got too messed up and be there for him.
“We’ll see each other again Lee, its destiny.”
That's my personal canon. I like to think that they meet again... in the afterlife, in another cycle of time, I dunno... in a place where they finally have the bright shiny future they always deserved. *sniff*
that is my personal cannon too, in fact you should read "Never Forgotten to see where this one ends, oddly enough though i wrote that one first, hmm, anyway i think you will like how it wraps up.
Thanks again!!
Kara always had trouble saying what she meant, or she hid what she felt so i figured she could finally be honest with her soulmate.
And yes Lee needs something to do while he waits to be with her again.
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