The Scandal

Jul 05, 2006 15:20

Cassey Weierbach was a speaker for Hope's Voice Road to Hope Tour 2005. I don't know the specifics if she did the whole tour or only a few stops, but I do remember that at our first stop (on my section of the '06 tour) at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA they kept asking about her. The only speaker that was with us that was on tour with her ( Read more... )

hope's voice, cassey weierbach, freud

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Comments 5

erg July 6 2006, 01:26:37 UTC
I think she's in a wheelchair and found away to get money, other than that, I hope she had her facts straight about HIV, otherwise someone out there maybe very confused by one of her talks.

I've heard there are folks with chi who do hands on work, I personally would be very concerned about making things worse, so it's not something I've stayed in classes for. So it's possible to take some of the aches and emotions through chi. I think most people would hold hands and take on part of someone's pain if they could.

I dunno, it kinda makes me think, and this is humour value, Hope's voice should have one of those disclaimers like the ones pron sites have, which says all the participants are over 18 and their HIV status records are on file. I think this should light a fire under the board to get their P's and Q's in order.


Wow djdig July 6 2006, 13:47:10 UTC
Thankfully, the comcast news article did not mention Hope's Voice so I had no idea that's who she spoke for.

I'm so sorry your organization has been deceived.

I agree with erg that you may have to have a disclaimer that your HIV records are on file in order to get over this fiasco.

It just sux, sux, sux!

Thank god the press hasn't lached onto Hope's Voice yet.


Re: Wow apositivevoice July 6 2006, 14:02:06 UTC
well, she was only with hope's voice for a few stops on the '05 Road to Hope tour... not a contracted speaker, so maybe that's some saving grace.


lackofsatin July 6 2006, 18:16:51 UTC
That is truly a shame, not only for the people she emotionally manipulated but for the whole movement in general. I think you're right, that she rationalized her stealing and attention by saying she was helping with awareness. I suppose you'll have to gear up for a lot of questions & answers when you're on tour.

I do have an ounce of pity, though, that she felt that you all had something- strength, courage, joy- that she didn't, despite you having an illness while she was well. She really could have channeled these feelings into doing something positive with her life.


This Happened to me anonymous March 14 2007, 07:22:30 UTC
I knew someone who faked the aids illness when I was a child. My father had recently (one year earlier) died from aids. My mother met a young woman at a spiritual study group who was very ill and suffering from AIDS. We took her into our home and treated her as one of our own family. She had 'abscesses' all over her body that we would later learn where self inflicted burns. She would also suffer from episodes of 'dementia.'She would often mention that she would never live past 25. After living in our home and spending nearly every day with me for two and a half years, my mother started putting it all together and caught her in her lies. She left our home very angry. The next morning her brother called to inform us that she had died. She intentionally overdosed to get out of her lie. If anyone else has gone through this please let me know. I am looking for people who can relate to how this betrayal feels.


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