I believe it's midnight in the Czech Republic - yay!

May 02, 2006 00:01

Happy Birthday to the lovely nimerha, I hope you have the most wonderful day. You certainly deserve it, hon. *hugs hard*

So, in honour of your birthday this is for you! I hope you like it.

Title: By the light of the moon
Author: apostrophe_ess
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR, I merely gain from playing these games in her playground.
Pairing/Character: Lily, with James and Harry Potter
Word Count: 460
Rating: G
Summary: At Godric's Hollow, Lily isn't sleeping. By the light of the moon, she thinks a little.
Author's Notes: nimerha gave me the wonderful artwork that is the background to this journal at Christmastime. I love the expression on Lily's face in this art, wistful, sad, thoughtful, and yet still quite determined. I don't think this very short story really does it justice. Please go and look at the original on my journal, rather than the smaller version contained within this post.
Prompt: This also works for prompt number 65, Full Moon, for potterverse100.

By the light of the moon

The moon looked different in the country. Brighter, fuller, bigger even.

Lily stood at the window, the curtains open. As naked as she’d stepped from their bed. No-one could see in, after all. No-one knew they were here, no-one knew where here was.

It was wrong to be so down, so sad. They were going to be safe now, Harry was going to be safe. That was the important thing, their son, their baby.

She’d not slept properly, again. Neither of them had. She’d felt James move from the bed a little while ago, and heard him go to Harry’s room. She’d give them some time together, let James cuddle his son for a while.

The small clock on the wall said it was 3am. 3am and they were all awake. They’d have to do something about this, sort out some sort of structure to the day, for Harry’s sake at least. He needed his sleep, he needed routines, he needed ordinariness.

Ordinary? How would they ever be ordinary again?

That’s stupid talk, Lily, she told herself firmly, looking once more to the moon and then turning to the door to fetch her dressing gown, and then in turn to the stairs.

“Hello, you two,” she attempted as brightly as she could, standing behind the sofa where James was talking softly with Harry.

“It’s mummy,” James said to Harry, who looked up and grinned his green eyes shining out in the dark room illuminated only by the moonlight. “I was just telling him, Lil, about Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius, and Uncle Peter.”

“Oh,” Lily replied softly, resting her hands from behind him one onto each shoulder. “We should be careful there, we don’t really know what’s going on. Everyone is stressed, James. People see things, and imagine things, they’d not see or imagine, at other times.”

“Not that, Lil,” James replied. “I was telling him about other nights like tonight.”

Lily cursed herself for being so stupid. She’d been so caught up in her own concerns for their safety, especially Harry’s, she’d not thought beyond these four walls for days.

“What did he think?”

“That one day he’ll come with us. Daddy stag and Harry stag, isn’t that right Harry?”

“Shtag,” cooed Harry. “Daddy shtag.”

“See Lil?”

“Daddy shtag,” Harry continued, “daddy shtag.”

Lily moved and sat with them on the sofa, slipping into James’s arm. She wondered if Sirius and Peter were out there with Remus tonight, if they were missing James as much as she was pleased to have him with her. She wondered if she was wrong for being so selfish, for wanting him there beside her.

“We’ll have company tomorrow,” James said after a few minutes. “Peter’s coming.”

Lily smiled. That would be nice.

nimerha, lily, james, g, harry

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