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I know an Eikichi who is just dying to have a Miyabi. If anyone out there is interested in playing her it would be on campfuckudie and cartography_rp.
campfuckudie: I can't say much on this place place since I don't play there, but the Eikichi does, so if it looks like your kind of game, there's no harm in playing there!
Eikichi's mun also plays at cartography_rp: It is a very slow but plot-intense game. There are no real-time constraints currently, but it can become somewhat intense when players manage to play because of how the game is run.
And, if neither of those places are your cup of tea, Eikichi's mun has said they were willing to play elsewhere if someone were to app Miyabi...
Miyabi appers should let this Eikichi know~
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