» put an ad up with the characters / crew / pairings / fetish you want for your game. yes, this means LJ, DW, and IJ games. deal with it.
» ABSOLUTELY NO obnoxious coding (font size > 4, no banners, no blinking text, no sparklies, no tables, no pictures). use all the colors you like and then some, but please remember 4 "big"
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Comments 2381
Genre: X-Men Movieverse on LJ
Available Characters: NORTHSTAR, M, COLOSSUS, BEAST, X-23, WOLFCUB, ICEMAN and more!
Want to play a superhero and have grand adventures? Or perhaps you prefer a school-based game with all the drama involved in growing up and learning your place in the world? CSI-type private investigations? Dark and gritty spy games? Romance and relationships? X-Project has it all!
Brief Description of your game: X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.
Link to Game Information/Application: Applications can be found here. Please read the previous history of the character before applying. A test log with the mods will usually be required, and we'll ask prospective players to communicate with players in the cases ( ... )
Notes: Previous CR from other games is allowed, as Genessia is staying firmly put on LJ, and is meant to be a place for players who couldn't move with their game to DW. See the rules for more details.
You open your eyes. It feels like you've been sleeping for so long. Your last memories are hazy at best, but slowly coming into focus. You're lying in a large cocoon of polished silver metal, lined with silk and soft padding, with the sound of lapping water all around you. It appears to be a cavern, dimly illuminated with white lights glowing in the shallow pool. There's a slight weight on your chest. It's a box. Inside is a jeweled necklace of gold and opalescent stones, what appears to be a walkie-talkie with a video ( ... )
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