So thanks so much for taking this on, first.
In general, I like happy endings. I like not-too-terrible things happening to characters, because I am soft-hearted. I like seeing people work things out, or grow, or learn, without too much pain.
If you find it in your heart to write something sensual, I'd adore you, because it's nice to have steamy romance every now and again.
I love the boys in this - no OTP, because I've seen enough combinations in the tiny fandom that I still love them all. I'd love to see some real revelations from Cooro, or some real opening up between the group, whether romantic or not. Intimacy, I guess, is what I'm looking for. I'm afraid I don't have many good suggestions.
Haven't caught up on the latest season, but don't worry about spoilers. I'd love something that tells and feels like an episode, a day in the bizarre life of a spy agency.
Or put everyone in a new situation - fish-out-of-water.
Or even show how this group of people fails at everyday tasks.
I'd almost like to see a wedding between the characters, because it would fail in the most hilarious way possible.
So, basically, I'd love to see something as much like the show as you can manage.
Disney Princesses
In the right hands, these women are awesome. I imagine all sorts of ideas. If you're the sort who feels drawn to add romance among the princesses, go for it, but I really want to see how they get along.
Maybe provide a meeting between some of them, really reflecting on their lives or dreams?
Maybe give them a common problem (villainous team-up?).
I want to see the real women behind the story, I guess, and see just how awesome (whether that involves kicking ass or not) these women can be.
I have no particular preference for who shows up; even if I haven't seen some of the movies in ages, I know the characters.
I love romance in this series. I love the intimacy between rider and dragon. I love the slashiness.
I couldn't say no to an adventure that highlights any of these. If you found a way to make an AU where Temeraire was human and this conceivably led to sexytimes, I wouldn't object, although I don't much object to Will paired up with almost any of the other male characters (not an OT3 type, thought).
But if you're just up for something that highlights the platonic relationship between Will and Temeraire, know that I'd love it to pieces.
Anyway, thanks a whole bunch, and good luck!