Happy thing first!: Wine-tasting class.
I just completed my six-week wine-tasting class, and I enjoyed it very much. I learned that I like red wines wayyyyy better than white (no surprise), that I like pinot noir more often than most other reds but also like shiraz, claret and cabernet sauvignon, and that I also (this was a surprise) enjoy some red zinfandels (I also learned that red zinfandels exist. Ahem.)
I also, and more importantly, had an awesome time at each class, even the one this week where I was getting sick (allergies, not swine flu). A bunch of family friends were taking the class, and also my neighbor M, who I like a lot, and it was lots of fun. We ate cheese, crackers and grapes, and drank lots and lots of small doses of wine, and all in all, I am SO glad I signed up. I got to know the wine buyer at the local nice grocery, too, which is always handy - good to have friends in high places. :-)
Okay, so that's my happy.
In the "bleah" or "less-than-happy" portion of this post, I am still feeling icky.
ETA NOTE: This next part is definitely TL;DR - skim or skip! Seriously. I just got to typing and, uh... didn't stop.
I went to the doctor 10 days ago and was told it was just bad allergies, and I didn't have a sinus infection. Now, I like my doc, and he's (unusually) good at listening, but he's really REALLY leery of using antibiotics (which I like, generally), so he didn't give me any even though I kind of felt feverish. My temperature, after all, was only 99.1 - hardly noticeable, right? But I was sort of out of it, so I didn't push the "not feverish" diagnosis even though I should have, because my normal body temperature is never over 97 degrees - usually it's about 96.5 to 96.8. But, whatever - I didn't push it, went home and slept a lot, felt somewhat better over the weekend (the climbing wall weekend). Went to work all week except that I started feeling crappy again Tuesday and took Wednesday afternoon off to go home and, once again, sleep all afternoon. Started feeling better, made it through the rest of the week (although the allergies moved from my head into my throat and chest, and I now get an occasional, fun hacking cough, deep in my chest). So yesterday was the ninth birthday party of J (the eldest Pi-lette), and once again, I totally overdid it. Today, of course, I feel like I got knocked out and dragged around for a while (and of course, I had lots of to do anyway, including baking 4 dozen cookies by 10 a.m., going to church, then taking the cookies to an Interfaith Festival thingy and hanging out for two hours with lots of cool but tiring people, then folding laundry so we'll all have clothes to wear... don't ask what Mr. Pi was doing, he was just as busy, with the same and other stuff). So anyway (gah, I need to quit whining, lol, I'm not THAT sick, for chrissakes), I still feel feverish every time I get tired, and although my temp never goes over about 99.5, it never goes below 98.8, which, like I said, is high for me. So, I'm trying to decide what to do. Go back to the doc? Just call in? (He's such a sweetie, he'd probably prescribe over the phone for me.) Do nothing and see if I get better on my own? Drink some wine and eat leftover cookies from the Interfaith Festival?
Well, I'm definitely doing that last one, anyway. But I'll probably end up doing all the others, in opposite order, this week. Because I'm a procrastinator, and that works for me. :-p
FINAL NEWS (for tonight): I have a Dreamwidth account - I'm apple_pi here as well. In fact, I'm trying crossposting for the first time, tonight, and I have high hopes. I love that I was able to so easily import everything (I never did figure out the way to do it on a Mac for IJ), and also, DW hasn't been blocked at my work, yet, so I can read over here. So, I shall give it a whirl. Feel free to friend me over here, okay? Okay.