Gentle Reader - I mean, uh, Writer:

Nov 14, 2009 20:19

So it appears to be all the rage to post a letter to your YT writer, telling them exciting things you love (and scary things that make you shudder and steer clear), and I am nothing if not rageful. Er, I mean, ah, eager to follow the latest fic-ish fashions. So! My requests were (as you know by now):

White Collar, Neil/Peter

Black Books, any combination of characters

Temeraire series by Naomi Novik, preferably some combination of Granby/Laurence/Tharkay

I am a slash reader, but good gen is definitely okay in my book, and I like het as well - so basically, when it comes to romance (or smut, or some mingling of the two), I'm easy. I like a bit of hurt/comfort with a happy, hopeful resolution. I'm an incurable romantic and optimist, but can't say no to some gritty angst. Fluff is fabulous. I am not crazy about... Well, hell, everything I'm not crazy about could probably be done well enough that I wouldn't mind. Okay, I'm not crazy about purple prose (jade-coloured eyes, throbbing members and silken skin are all phrases that make me giggle), but other than that, I'm easy. I do like happy (or at least hopeful) endings... in every sense of the phrase, should your story happen to wander that way. Thing I would love to see:

Neil/Peter: the only downside to this pairing is that they are both (so far) too functional. A nice emotional breakdown would be pleasing, but then again, so would a chirpy, charming story in which Neil charms and/or cons the pants off Peter. (Literally, but then, you knew that, didn't you?) These two are basically tabulae rasa at the moment - they await your skillful sculpting, o Yuletide writer (to mix my metaphors shamelessly). (I probably pluralized that Latin very badly, but I'm leaving it; my apologies to the scholars on my list. I am a dilettante.)

Black Books: Is all about the funny. Seriously, the more ridiculous, the better. Manny at his loving best, Bernard being as obnoxious and unbearable as possible, and Fran being completely psychotic (but chipper!) - these are a few of my favorite things. I love Manny's piano skills, Fran's sexual appetite, and Bernard's... Bernardity. (Oh, and his protectiveness of the books is a bonus, too.) I like them all to be drunk. Perhaps this will suggest something, perhaps not - basically, I'll be happy with any combination of these three terribly awful human beings.

Granby/Laurence/Tharkay: I have the most deliciously wicked, angsty, smutty fantasies about that long, long journey that's just beginning at the end of Victory of Eagles, and straightforward porn would not sadden me at all. On the other hand, there are multitudes of opportunities and moments between the various members of the trio that might make for wonderful fic... I leave it to you, my dear YT writer. Naturally, smut isn't necessary, it's just that it does suggest itself to me with this particular trio. Your imagination, however, may not dwell quite as thoroughly in the gutter as mine. And that would be fine, as well. :-)

P.S. THANK YOU! I am so excited about this lovely gift. *beams*
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