In the middle of choosing between downloading KAT-TUN's new single - Ultimate Wheels and catching slash removing slash disposing slash terminating slash detonating a rat in our hostel room....
I'd pick KAT-TUN for sure. Like I will choose something else over KAT-TUN, especially not for a black-palm-size rat.
But I have crook-ed my own neck due to constant turning of my head in the direction where Mr. Rat could possibly hiding. Plus, who would want a R-A-T lingering in their room anyway??
And I even bump my head once onto the edge of the broom (yeah, broom was the swiftest weapon that I could think of) just because that haunting rat decided to play peek-a-boo.
That rat have made me stay up for 12 hours period. Oh, here it is AGAIN.
Seriously, did a rat's vision somehow is limited? Because I'm sure it is since I swear the rat must have thought that I enjoyed playing with him or something. Dear Mr. Rat I'm not laughing, I'm cursing YOU!
We don't have a cheese or something. Oh, for Heaven's sake just come out already!
Will I be happy if Mickey Mouse visiting me instead? Heck, no! You must be kidding me. Why would Mickey Mouse come to my room? What if the real identity of Mickey Mouse happened to be some sort of carnivore mouse or something. Okay, I'm officially paranoid.
It's this RAT!!! Oh God Oh God. Current location: behind my roommate's desk.
How come a freaking rat gets a freaking teddy bear?? And he even sleeps with it!
Can a rat be anymore cuter?? Well, you still NOT in my list buddy.
I honestly think that the battle between me and Mr. Rat will continue eternally. To top that, I am accompanied by deep-snoring-lost-in-their-dreamland roommates. I'd say the disadvantages is... unfortunately upon me.
Wait until I get the hold of you Mr. Rat. Then, I will show off my animal's tissue culture skills.
For the sake of experimenting. Please don't get me wrong!
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <----useless technique of calming myself.
Well, got to go. I have another incoming. But this time, it is the attack of five most sexiest man alive! My download have finished!!!! *switched to fangirl mode*
KAT-TUN: Ultimate Wheels
credit of pics goes to
tokyohive and
here .
*p/s: Mr. Rat I guess I see you later ne?~~~