OOC: Permissions/Stats Meme | Critique

Aug 16, 2016 11:13

Full name: Bulleta "B.B." Hood
Name they go by: Bulleta, B.B. Hood
Nicknames: N/A as of yet.

Actual Age: This is really hard to pinpoint this because she looks so young, but acts so incredibly..not. I can't say for sure, but it's probably not too terribly far off from how she looks, given her height and weight.
Physical Age: Really, anywhere from 10-14. I'd say she's tween/early teens. So 12-14.
Birthday: N/A
Height: 142 cm (4'8")
Weight: 37 kg (82 lbs)
Medical Info: She's damn crazy - could probably pass as a DID case were it not for the fact that one of her personalities is essentially just a cover for the other.

Animal features: Wolf features - tail, ears, fangs (though she sort of already had the fangs.)
Tattoo: Right thigh, near her garter.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Physical traits: None that I can think of.
Alignment: Neutral Evil. She's a textbook example XD
Sexuality: :| I have no clue.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything is free game. Feel free to break the fourth wall, refer to her as Little Red Riding Hood or..uhh..whatever. Just be careful when talking about her grandma - mention her in a negative way and be prepared to get seriously maimed.
Abilities: Bulleta's an S-class Darkhunter. She's very talented with with a wide range of weapons - firearms, knives, bombs..all sorts of stuff. She makes her own explosives, too. Oh yeah, she's also a fairly decent singer. XD (d-d-d-d-d-dokkan!)
Notes for the Psychics: Bulleta has an incredibly, incredibly dark and twisted mind. She is very calculating and fueled by money and little else. However, at the same time, she is still a young girl. This shows through every now and then.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Go for it.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Probably not the smartest thing, but if you're willing to face the results, by all means. It's your funeral.
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk with me about it first, but I'm certainly up for listening.
Cooking: She's a pretty good cook (she helped make meals for her grandmother all the time)... though the leer she gives when she presents it can leave you wondering what she put in it.

Anything else of note? Not that I can think of, lulz.

Please feel free to also use this post to submit tell me what you think about my characterization of Bulleta. Comments, concerns, constructive criticism, opinions, etc etc.. go for it! Anonymous commenting is enabled. ♥


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