...Don't think I owe you all anything because of what happened.
Private to (PMK) Hijikata | unhackable
You're a real pain in the ass. But... .... thanks, I guess.
Private to self | semi-hackable.
Everybody ended up naked after the curse. Whatever. These Hibou were freaks in my book already, so it's not like this changes my views. I noticed several of the girls here have really big breasts. Bigger than mine. I mean, that's natural - I'm a young and beautiful growing girl, after all. You can't expect a bud to have all the bloom of a fully grown flower - but still! It got me thinking; When i get older, I think I'm going to have a chest that would make even that bimbo Morrigan jealous! ♥
[ooc: lol she would make her being nice harder to hack than her private stuff. :| PRIORITIES - BB has some! ]