I have only rarely seen an anime that has fandom going to pieces over all sorts of different pairings. Pairings all over the place! Got a character and another character? Pair 'em! After all, there is no reallllly well-established canon pair!
'ship the Ship! )
Comments 16
I also noticed you left out Sanji x Usopp.... I only know like two other people that like this pairing, but I think its really cute....i blame it on Bialy's website www.captain-usopp.net ... but I don't mind X3
oh, and i did find some people that pair up Usopp and Nami... not too wild about it, she always seems WAY out of character.... and yes, Zoro x Nami=porn XD I would know ..... >.>
anyway, great character analysis.
But Sanji/Usopp? I guess I don't see a canon basis. Sanji doesn't seem to hang out with Usopp much outside of the Party Gang dynamic. Care to explain how this pairing tends to work?
but i still think zoro x sanji=canon XD
"L, U, C, The Official Party Gang." sometimes Sanji also participates in the dancing and goofiness, but it's not ALL THE TIME like the others.
great job!
yeah, Sanji is a camp-shifter. He sort of bridges the gap between the sillier and the more level-headed members, it's cool.
I definately agree with your analisis of all the pairings!
Especially for the Luffy/Nami♥♥♥
What can I say?
I'm biased.
...what surprised me was how after writing this, Z/L and Z/S both started to make sense to me; I never bought it before. But yeah. All about the Luffy/Nami.
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