Title: Sumi-e (Prince of Tennis)
Characters: Atobe and Tezuka
Rating: Gen
Word Count: 100
Summary/Author's notes: Drabble prompt from
iverin ("Sumi-e").
The tennis ball was black and white, not yellow and white. His tennis racket was now accented with gray, not blue. The tennis court was black on white instead of white on green. Tezuka dipped the brush again, carefully soaking up the excess ink before painstakingly detailing his racket.
Without looking up, he knew Atobe had stopped behind him.
“You’re unexpectedly good at this,” Atobe declared, glancing over Tezuka’s shoulder. “You should be drawing mountains and clouds and ore-sama’s magnificence instead.”
“I was unaware your magnificence had any place in sumi-e,” Tezuka responded, dryly.
“Neither do tennis rackets,” Atobe retorted.