Title: Fuji's Birthday
Characters: Fuji, Saeki, Eiji, Tezuka, Yuuta
Rating: Gen
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 400
Summary: Four drabbles for four gifts Fuji received on his birthday.
"Oh, Saeki," Fuji exclaimed. Opening the box, Fuji smiled at his friend.
"Oshitari went with me," Saeki said, grinning. "I bought them on Tuesday. Sorry for the secrecy, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise."
"Shopping for my birthday," Fuji breathed, and he beamed. "They're beautiful. I can't wait to try them. And oh, such soft fur!"
"I'm glad you think so," Saeki said, and he lifted the gift out of the box. As the handcuffs clicked snugly around Fuji's wrists, Saeki smiled and winked. "Wait until you see what he got you."
Eiji presented Fuji with a bright red box, grinning. "Nya, happy birthday, Fuji!"
Fuji smiled at Eiji and accepted the box. "What's this?"
Eiji clucked and shook a finger. "Heh, gotta open it to find out."
"Saa," Fuji said, and laid it aside. "Maybe I'll open it next week."
"Don't, Fuji, it'll go bad," Eiji said, quickly, and then he made a face. "Mou, you always make me give it away."
Fuji chuckled, and patted the sofa beside him as he opened the box and inhaled happily. "I could smell the wasabi in the muffins," he said.
"Tezuka, this was unexpected," Fuji said, eyes widening as he realized what he held in his hands.
"That would be part of the attraction," Tezuka said, matter-of-factly. Also, the store he'd usually bought Fuji's previously-annual scarves had decided to become a cafe selling music-related items in conjunction with a now-popular manga and anime.
Fuji chuckled. "There are two tickets," he said.
"Your brother," Tezuka said, quickly. He was NOT going with Fuji.
"But it's my birthday," Fuji said, and pouted.
And that was how Tezuka Kunimitsu found himself riding the bear on the merry-go-round at the zoo.
Fuji chuckled and ooh-ed and aah-ed over the present. Yuuta fidgeted. His brother seemed too enthusiastic to have really liked this gift. "We can take it back right now," he offered lamely.
"Never," Fuji declared, clinging to his human-sized plush cactus. It was covered in little plastic "needles" that were shaped in a vaguely phallic way Yuuta hadn't noticed until Fuji winked at Yuuta and mouthed one in that way.
"Baka aniki! I should've gotten you curtains instead."
"I love the cactus," Fuji said. He hugged Yuuta, who struggled briefly, gave up, and awkwardly hugged back.
Happy birthday, Fuji!