Title: Water
Characters: Hikaru/Kaoru/Kyouya
Wordcount/Rating: 100 words / PG
Summary: The twins draw Kyouya's attention and tease (as usual).
Author's Notes: First posted
here for
clioheika on
drabble_trade. Oh my, I wrote Ouran.
"Hikaru, I'm thirsty," Kaoru said.
"Water's over there," Hikaru said, gesturing.
"But Hikaru," Kaoru said, "It's cold. Cold water's not good for my sore throat."
"Would you like me to warm it for you, Kaoru?" Hikaru said, getting up. In seconds, he had taken a mouthful of water from one of the water-filled glasses on the sideboard. Hikaru beckoned his twin over, then fed water to Kaoru in a kiss that had their surrounding fangirls sighing. One fainted, crumpling to the floor.
Kyouya watched impassively. The twins posed, then winked at him with identical smiles of infinite promise.
Suddenly, his throat felt dry.