Title: Mechanical Go
Characters: Isumi-POV, Waya, Zama Ouza, Ogata, Shindou
Words/Rating: 200+ words / G
Summary: Some people like mechanical go players, and some don't care.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompt "Steampunk!AU"
here. With a prompt like that, who couldn't help think of the
Mechanical Turk?
The Chinese go pro Yang Hai apparently moonlighted as an inventor of some repute. His mechanical go player was the talk of the town--no, the world, as least as far as Isumi could tell. Everywhere he went, people were talking about how amazing Yang Hai's new invention was. Waya, for one, was incredibly excited. "I can't wait to play it," he told Isumi, glancing sideways to make sure Shinoda-sensei wasn't looking. "Imagine, a machine that can play go! Of course, I'll beat it soundly, but isn't this a great world we live in?"
Some weren't as welcoming. "It's hard enough to get by in this field as it is," Zama Ouza was grumbling one day as Isumi and the other insei got out of the elevator.
Ogata-sensei, waiting for the elevator, smiled at Zama Ouza, one of those smiles that never touched his eyes. "The day I surrender to a machine is the day I agree with you. If you're afraid of a machine, perhaps it's time to retire." His eyes took in the insei, passing over each of them, stopping on Shindou.
Shindou merely met Ogata-sensei's gaze levelly. "They should have invented a mechanical ramen chef. I'd buy one."
Isumi breathed a sigh of relief when Ogata-san laughed and let them pass.
End Notes: Edited; this will teach me to post without double-checking and reading a third time. Also, this should be much longer than it currently is, but I'm not really up to writing something over 1000 words long at the moment. >_< The thing is, dude, a mechanical go player. Someone should investigate,
really. Anyone else want to take this bunny and make it real?