Title: Forever Home - Chapter 84 of 100
Author: Shadowc44
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kadam (Kurt Hummel/Adam Crawford)
Rating: R
Spoilers: AU. If you’ve seen Kurt and Adam interact, you’re good.
Summary: Adam is bored, and realizes he needs a companion. He decides to adopt a hybrid human/cat.
Warning: Mention of past abuse (non-sexual) from other
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Comments 4
April is proving to be quite the judge of character, isn't she? And I have a feeling that Emma will be a staunch ally in the pro-hybrid movement. And Will - his whiny, arrogant, egotistical, I-know-best cluelessness is spot on! Can't wait to see what happens next!
I would think actors would pick up on things a lot of others might miss, because they need to pay more attention to emotions, signals, etc., to incorporate them into their acting, so yes. :) Emma does seem more and more disenchanted with her job, doesn't she? :) That's certainly how I see Will, and I'm glad others see it, too.
Dave might have a really hard time getting adopted, but you never know. They might need to come up with more creative ways of showcasing certain pets to help them.
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