What I do when I should be studying for midterms....

Feb 27, 2005 16:40

Name: kelly
Present coordinates: uptown minneapolis- @ my apartment
Sex: female

AIM screen name: applesauce4all
Eyes: green,blue,grey- they change colors
Hair: currently blue velvet on bottom and the roots are vicious violet- my boyfriend says it looks like a crows feathers (how they change colors in the light)

Have you ever...
drank: yes
smoked: yes
kissed the same sex: yes
kissed the opposite sex: yes
skinnydipped: no
broke a bone: yes
failed a class: no
killed someone: no people- i have run over a squirrel :(
cried over a boy or girl: yes
had a death in the family: yes- but no one i wuz too close to
ran around nude: yes- i only live with my boyfriend so it doesnt matter if im naked

What are you...

wearing: kitty pajamas, grey tank top, black sweater
eating: nothing
talking to: no one
phone with: no one
time: 6:47 pm
drinking: mr. pibb
listening to: nothing

When was the last time you...

smiled: i dunno- i dont keep track
laughed: prob. when i wuz tryin to wake nick up and he started kicking me cuz he didnt want to share the blankets
cried: dunno
bought something: ummm i bought a pint raspberry chocolate chip ice cream and a pint of green tea ice cream last nite
danced: dunno
were sarcastic: gee... i am never sarcastic...
talked to an ex: i dunno- i've been with nick 3 1/2 yrs and haven't kept in contact with any of them- so years
watched your favorite movie: i dunno
had a nightmare: i usually dont remember my dreams

What is the...

last book you read: i dont have time to read anything but boring text books- i wuz just reading from my cognition book and an article for cultural studies about how to sell hot pussy.
last movie you saw: Cube Zero
last song you heard: Island in the Sun- Weezer- its my ringtone
last thing you had to drink: MR. Pibb
last time you showered: earlier today
last thing you ate: umm... a corn dog

Do you...

live in the moment?: depends- i try to but i think i worry too much about the future to really be able to
have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes
play an instrument?: ive played lots of intstruments but not in a while
believe there is life on other planets?: yes
read the newspaper?: yes
have any gay or lesbian friends?: yes
believe in miracles?: no
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
consider yourself tolerant of others?: i suppose
like the taste of alcohol?: not really- maybe a mixed drink every once in a while
have a favorite candy?: key lime truffles from godiva
believe in astrology?: not really
believe in God?: no
pray?: no
go to church?: no
have any secrets?: ofcourse, everyone does
have any pets?: Lucy and Sid- my kittens
do well in school?: yea- i do alrite
go to college?: UMN- Twin Cities- but I'm transferring to UWMilwaukee in the fall
have a major?: nope- something with social science probably.
talk to strangers who instant message you?: not usually
have any piercings?: ears, septum, monroe- used to have my lip
have any tattoos?: 3 stars on my tummy and a 420 on my hip
have an obsession?: nah
collect anything?: glass pipes
have a best friend?: jacqui and heather and of course nick
wish on stars?: no
like your handwriting?: i dont really care about it
have any bad habits?: smoke, swear, bite nails, spit (cuz of the smoking I guess, procrastanate
care about looks?: to an extent- anyone who says they dont care at all is a liar
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