You might want to find someone else to write your letter if necessary. While it would be great for it to come from someone you researched with, it would also be great to actually have one. Most schools will actually take more LoRs than they ask for, but you might want to contact the school and ask them, hypothetically, if you have an extra letter and one is submitted after the deadline will they take them all into account.
If you ever deal with him in the future, give him an earlier due date than you actually need it. If the application deadline is December 15, tell him it's December 1.
Also, you can submit the rest of your application without his letter.
I would also ask a fourth recommender to submit a letter for you just in case.
Comments 11
Also, you can submit the rest of your application without his letter.
I would also ask a fourth recommender to submit a letter for you just in case.
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