Title: Anata no koe wa watashi ga aishiteru (Your voice that I love) Pairing: Ryoda Genre: Angst, one-shot Rating: PG-13 for curse Summary: The voice that I love…how I longed to hear it again. Warning: I’d say its rather despressing.
It breaks my heart down. I'd like to hug Tatsuya and whisper in his ear, "Don't worry, baby, everything will be okay", but during I'd like to make Ryo peaceful, too. It's a really sad story about a love which makes just pain... and it's so sad.
since the theme was angst i just hv to end it in angsty way. i will think about giving it a happy ending XD thank you for reading and commenting ^____^
since the theme is angst, it just cannot hv a happy ending *yeah, that and because i'm just evil^^* i'm thinking about a sequel. maybe a continuation of this story^^ thanks for reading and commenting!
Comments 41
The pain Ueda must be feeling each time he hears Ryo's mocking voice that is the same as his lost loved one.
thank you for reading XD
It's a really sad story about a love which makes just pain... and it's so sad.
Thank you so much for writing this :)
thank you so much for reading and commenting!
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this is so sad..
poor tacchan...
why this is the end?
please continue...
thank you~
thanks for reading and commenting!
it must be hurt him so much....
thanks for reading and commenting!
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