Title: The World Turned Upside Down
aprilkatPairing: Dom/Elijah
Rating: PG-13 for a swear word.
Warning: Not-quite-slash but almost. (Pre-slash?)
Disclaimer: This is total fiction. Claims nothing about the people.
AN: Yule giftfic for
lireeli, who wanted D/E H/C. 1,000 words.
Elijah splashed ashore, having gotten dumped from his wave. As he floundered to recover his board, he turned to see how Dom was faring.
Dom, sitting on his board way beyond the reef, waved his arm, then leaned forward to hoist himself to his feet. Elijah admired the way Dom shifted his weight to take advantage of every change in the tide, waiting for just the right swell to bring him in.
Elijah grinned and waved back. Although he thought it ironic all the Brits took to surfing better than himself, raised right by the ocean, he didn’t mind the teasing or the effort to keep up with them. He was getting better, and just watching his mates soar so gracefully was gratifying.
A huge wave crested suddenly, and Elijah gasped as Dom fought to hold his position. Just as it looked like he’d hold the crest, the board flipped out from under Dom, and he disappeared.
“Ouch, that’s gotta hurt,” winced Elijah, waiting to see where his friend would surface.
The board popped up and washed toward the shore, but there was no sign of Dom.
Dom laughed to see Elijah separated from his board once again. The kid was persistent, had to give him that.
Dom waited until Elijah had dragged his board from the sea. He wanted to make sure that he had Elijah’s undivided attention. Just want to show him how it’s supposed to be done!
He could feel a good surge building, could tell there was a beaut coming up. As he stood, he imagined how he must look from the shore, a bronzed god shining in the sun, muscles shown to best effect as he flexed and balanced…
And fell.
Well, shit, that’s what I get for showing off was his last thought before the pain in his head eclipsed the roar of the water.
A glimpse of blond hair lifted by the tide was the first sign Elijah saw of Dom; then he noticed the loose-limbed stillness of his body floating face down.
Screaming to the lifeguard down the beach, Elijah plunged into the surf towards Dom. Old Red Cross training flashed back from his childhood, as he turned the unconscious Dom on his back to get his face out of the water and started to swim to shore clutching one arm around Dom’s chest from the back.
Suddenly, Dom was pulled from his grasp, and two men laid Dom out on the beach and started resuscitation. Dom began breathing right away, to Elijah’s relief. One of men pointed to a bump on Dom’s forehead and called in an ambulance to carry him off.
Elijah found himself alone on the beach, clutching his and Dom’s belongings, watching the ambulance pull away, siren shrieking.
Dom wished that the person next to him would quit that moaning. It was really starting to get on his nerves.
As he turned his head to see who was making that unearthly noise, he was pleased to see all the fuzz was sharpening into actual shapes. By the look of it, he was in a bedroom - no a hospital room - and that annoying noise was being made by…
Him. Oh.
One of the formless shapes moved forward and clarified. An angel, with big beautiful blue eyes and perfect pearly-white skin. Oops, it was Elijah. His pretty, pretty Elijah.
Dom sighed. None of this made sense, but it was a wonderful way to wake up. If he only didn’t have this pain in his head. He moved his hand to feel his head, and felt a weight on his wrist.
“Wait, Dom. Don’t move. I’ll get the nurse.”
Pretty pretty Elijah went away, despite Dom’s silent protest.
Elijah dished up the soup and placed the bowl on the tray. He arranged the crackers as attractively as he could, then picked it up and walked it into Dom’s bedroom.
“How does it feel to be home?” he asked.
“Fine. You know, the doctor said that it was just a very mild concussion. I should be able to be up and around now.”
“No, Dom. The doctor said that it was just a very mild concussion, and that rest was the most important thing for the next couple of days. Up and around doesn’t come into it yet.”
“Oh, god, is Peter furious?”
“Well, he said something about banning surfboards for the remainder of the shoot. After Viggo and now you, he may have a point.”
Dom batted his eyelashes at Elijah. “If I need my rest so much, why don’t you come on over here and feed me?”
Elijah paused with a strange look. “Okay.”
Dom was surprised. “Hey, just kidding, you know. Don’t you need to get home?”
“I thought I would bunk down here in case you need anything tonight. I’ll put a blanket on the sofa.”
“I’m surprised the other guys aren’t breaking down the door to share nursing shifts.”
“Well, I told them I wanted first crack. Since I was - here and all.”
Dom sat up and took the tray across his lap. “You are a right good mate, you know that?” he said through slurps of soup.
Elijah felt warmth through and through.
Dom twisted and turned in the dark, finding it hard to get comfortable. His headache had subsided with the painkillers, but he kept feeling as though he couldn’t breathe. He groaned a little, then bit his lip, not wanting to disturb Elijah.
He heard the bedroom door creak, so he kept his eyes closed, hoping not to have to deal with his restlessness. He lay still, trembling a bit as a soft hand touched his forehead gently (for fever, Monaghan, for fever!).
“Dom?” whispered Elijah. “Are you all right?”
For some reason, Dom lay perfectly still. There was eternity in the silence.
Then two warm lips lightly skimmed over Dom’s cheek and were gone. The door clicked shut, leaving Dom alone once more.
The world turned upside down and a new day dawned.