The List of Factions Thus Far:
As of August 19, 2008
1. Itsuki Naoya
ego_itsuki 2. Kurosaki Hisoka
hic_pertineo 3. Shidou Hikaru
redstrength 4. Unnamed Koizumi Itsuki
5. Unnamed Rain
6. Unnamed July
7. Unnamed Fuuta
8. Unnamed Tony Stark
1. Namikaze Minato
flash_minato 2. Yamada Hanatarou
small_comfort 3. Burn Griffith
4. Himura Kenshin
5. Aragorn
6. Sho Minamimoto
7. Unnamed Riou
1. Clow Reed
i_themagician 2. Tia Noto Yoko
3. Unnamed Ichihara Yuuko
4. Unnamed Rokudou Mukuro
5. Unnamed Harry Dresden
1. Kurama
banditfox 2. My Melody
onegaiminnasan 3. Arturo Plateado
4. Walter Dornez
5. Crowley
6. Pup
7. Laharl
8. Unnamed Bob
9. Unnamed Kuromi
1. Mudou Setsuna
sin_sacrum 2. Kara Kent
3. The Doctor
4. Tohno Shiki
5. Unnamed Waverly Rain
Mind Breaker
1. Kirihara Mana
nodogsplz Normal / To Be Classified
1. Miles Edgeworth
objectedly 2. Tamura Hiyori
doujin_dork 3. Hitachiin Hikaru
ourcommencement 4. Hitachiin Kaoru
ourdenouement 5. Himemiya Chikane
bluesatellite 6. Kurusugawa Himeko
stillblankpages 7. Legolas Thranduilion
andmybow 8. Arwen Undomiel
consecrat - suspicions of E.G.O.
9. Akechi Megumi
foxy-physician10. Sohma Hatori
seahorse-dragon - suspicions of Darklore
11. Sohma Kyo
beware-of-kitty12. Sam Witwicky
13. Raki
14. Unnamed Sawada Tsunayoshi
Itsuki-kun, it's unfortunate, but the last curse was fruitful in some ways. If you have a list of your own regarding the people you've met, we should compare. But so far, there seems to be a lot of powerful Darklores in this City.
I wonder if the E.G.O. have begun recruiting male psychics though?
Kirihara-san, Itsuki-kun. I don't know how to explain it, but something is terribly wrong. Something is about to happen, and I don't...
Everyone, please be cautious.
Thanks to all who have participated! You guys rock~! Those who are unnamed and to be classified will need a face to face encounter before Tsukasa can tell. The ones without LJ links means he hasn't seen you on the network yet. And finally, he's noticing
something in the air, and he doesn't like it.]