i have to work today. for 11 hours. im not ready for this. so yea to get stuff off my mind i took another survey yesss wat i loser!! :D! check me out lol. cya later have an amazing dayyy <3
*Basics*Your fullname:::Andrea Kathryn Pendell Your nicknames:::ap, akp, andikat, pendell Your current age:::16 Your birthdate:::february 16 Your sex:::female Your race:::white Your hair color:::brown with pink highlights Your eye color:::blue Your height:::5'6 Your weight:::. *Favorites*color:::pink sport:::gymnastics food:::pasta drink:::dr pepper singer:::umm. a lot band:::five iron frenzy, or fmstatic song:::to many genre of music:::christian, rock, punk movie:::to manny actor:::ashton actress:::? tv show:::dont really watch tv cartoon:::um. dont hve cable so i dont get much. cartoon character:::tweety number:::2875 word:::check it thing to do:::sing family member:::my sister website:::.lj? online activity:::reading lj. or talkin to ppl online game:::dont have one video game:::dont have one board game:::monopoly holiday:::christmas season:::winter month:::july day:::friday car:::mine. electronic device:::cell phone class:::none subject:::none teacher:::mrs donahue *Friends*How many close friends do you have?:4 or 5 How many of your friends do u actually trust??:all. How many friends do u tell everything to?:1 Who is your best friend??:britney Who is ur closest friend?:britney Who is ur most truest friend?:britney Who hav u known the longest of ur friends?:megan. i miss her Which friend is the.... funniest?:britney or kate or emily nicest?:britney craziest?:emily sweetest?:kate or britney or emily prettiest?:all of them are gorgeous smartest?:emily or kate dumbest?:haha i dn ditziest?:none most annoying?:none most trusted?:britney most likely to get in trouble?:haha emily and i did some bad stuff yesterday! coolest?:britney shes freeking gorgeous most interesting?:britney or emily or kate wierdest?:umm. we have our moments *Pick a friend (preferably ur best friend)*Fullname::britney lee alcorn Nichnames::ba, britlee Age:::15 Birthdate::cRAP i forget :( sorry ba Parents names::mr and mrs alcorn Siblings names::nick How long hav u known them?:like since december? Where do they live?:main street Have u ever been on vacation together?:nope How long hav u known them?:wat you just asked this How would u describe them in 3 words?:amazing, gorgeous, crazy How did u meet him/her?:school, i introd myself by i like your bracelets wat a nerd What are some of your inside jokes?:oh man once we saw this ant. oh man you have to ask me its hillarious haha and this car. oh man he reved it up to try to impress but it scared the crap out of us hahahaha *Your Family*Moms name & age:::kathie 51 Dads name & age:::mike 50 Step-parents names & ages:::none Brothers names & ages:::non Sisters names & ages:::jessica 18 Pets names:::misty, buddy, roxie Hometown:::mason *2003-2004 School year*What grade were u in?:soph What school did u go to?:mason What classes did u take?:to many Did u get suspended?:no Did u get expelled?:no Did u get any detentions?:no What class did u do ur best in?:choir haha What class did u do ur worst in?:eca. its a speech class i get soo scaredd :x What were ur report card gardes for 1st semester?:all a's 2nd semester?:2 a's 2 b'a nd a c 3rd semester?:3 a's 2 b's 4rth semester?:ours are trimesters. How bout final exams?:no clue What is the lowest grade u got on a final?:f. oops haha 53 percent check me out The highest?:100. choir Who was ur fave teacher?:none Your fave class?:choir Did u fail any classes?:nope Did you pass?:yea *When was the last time*you hugged someone & who:::yesterday emily you kissed someone & who::::x you laughed & who/what made u:::yesterday, emily and i were playin pool. you smiled & who/what made u:::all the time, i was thinking about him. you cried & who/what made u:::um a couple days ago. my friend was pissed at me. merrr :( you got in an argument w/a friend & who?:a few days ago, sam you pissed urself:::cant remember you got drunk:::never You got high:::never You did somethin illegal:::yesterday =o You smoked:::never im allergic haha You failed a test/grade:::last week of school you talked on the phone and w/and who?:5 minutes ago my mom. you talked on im & w/who?:max! like 5 minutes ago you caughed:::umm i dont remember you sneezed:::when i went outside this morning. allergies you took a shower/bath:::yesterday nite you played a sport:::yesterday, if you consider cornhole a sport haha you told someone that u loved them & who?:...monday, kieven :] someone told u that they loved u & who?:...monday, kieven :D you told someone that u hated them & who?:dont remember someone told u that they hated u & who?:a couple days ago. this girl. merrrr girls suck you said somethin u didnt mean & to who?:sam.a few days ago you thought about something before you said it?:long time haha you participated in sexual activity & w/who?:never you were in a relationshiip?:2 months. you loved somebody so much that u couldnt stop thinkin about them?:now. :x you lied to someone & to who?:ummm i told my friend that we wernt friends but we were joking around, emily you made someone laugh & who/why?:emily you already asked. you made someone cry & who/why?:dont remember you made someone happy & who/why?:emily.:X you hung out w/one of ur friends & who was it?:yesterday, jeremy l, emily, nate, tim, sharon, jeremy c., micah, jessica you spent the night w/one of ur friends & who was it?:emily 2 days ago you had a friend spend the night w/u and who was it?:emily like 4 days ago you went swimming?:a long time ago in florida you exercised?:yesterday you ate & what was it?:yesterday, ice cream you got mad & why?:i dn what was the last word u said?:lets put your face away hahaha who was the last person u saw?:MAX he just walked in *Have you ever...*gotten arrested?:nope done something illegal w/o getting caught?:yes haha yesterdayy watched porn on tv?:no way looked at porn on the internet?:no way had sexual intercourse?:no way given oral sex?:no way recieved oral sex?:no way made out w/someone?:yea. merr kissed someone?:yea. hugged someone?:yea definatly kissed a person of the same sex?:no way done anything sexual w/someone of the same sex?:no way had thoughts about being gay/bisexual?:no way actually been gay/bisexual?:no way are you gay or bisexual?:no way slit your wrists?:no way carved someone's name in your arm?:no, haha this kid carved his innitials into my arm it hurt alot so i told him to stop lol carved something in your arm at all?:yea thought about committing suicide?:yea. actually tried committing suicide?:yea. been to a mental institution?:no wondered why you were here?:yea wished that you weren't here?:yea gotten drunk?:no way gotten expelled from school?:nope gotten suspended from school?:no gotten a detention?:yea been in love?:yes. :[ thought that you were going crazy?:yea felt like nobody cares about you?:yea wished you were somebody else?:yea had a dream come true?:yea had a birthday wish come true?:dont remember slept w/someone of the opposite sex w/o doing anything sexual?:yea ran away from home?:yea cussed your parents?:no way skipped school?:yea haha :x bad kid skipped class while being in school?:yea done something that you later regretted?:yea gotten into a fist fight?:nope gotten your ass beat?:nope beat someones ass?:nope been accused of something you didnt do?:yea done drugs?:no way smoked cigarrettes?:no way im allergic drank?:no way driven whie drinking?:water! haa check that cussed a teacher?: no way actually gotten into a fight with a teacher?:no way argued with a teacher?:no way told a teacher that you loved them?:no way told a teacher that you hated them?:been close haha
x0xlilkatex0x's Untitled brought to you by
BZOINK! you could DEFiNATLY SAY i WAS BORED check me out
yep bordem or scared. one of those
BeautyWhat is your name?:andrea How old are you?:16 What color are your eyes?:blue What color hair do you have?:dark brown with pink highlights Do you consider yourself good looking?:not all the time Do you wear make-up?:no If so, what do you usually wear?: Do you color/perm/relax your hair?:color, obveusly it has pink highlights If so, how long does it take you to manage it?:i just straiten it How long is your hair?:sholders How often do you wash it?:every other day What products do you use on it?:panteen prov Body ImageHow tall are you?:5'6 Do you like your height?:shur What part of your body are you most insecure about?:my face Do you dress to show off your body?:no Do you work out a lot to achieve a healthy body?:if im bored ill exersize Do you eat healthily?:ha nope Do you like your body?:ehh, Do you worry often about what others think about your body?:yea but i shouldnt SocialDo you have a lot of friends?:yea How many close friends do you have?:a lot Do you think you have an attractive personality?:emily said i do Can people trust and rely on you?:ask them Can you trust and rely on your friends?:yea What do you like do do with your friends?:chill go to the park and swing :D What do they do that annoys you the most?:ummm i dn. if they cuss that annoys me so badd like hardcore How often do you fight with them?:i try to not at all Who is your best friend?:britney The Opposite SexWhen was your first kiss?::x How was it?:bad. the kid is a jerk and hes all about himself Do you remember the day it happened?:yea Have you ever told someone you loved them?:yea Has anyone seriously said they loved you?:yea Have you held someone's hand?:yea Slowdanced?:yea What is your idea of the perfect kiss?:ill tell you when it happenes Have you ever been in love?:yea i am rite now. :[ Do you have a bf/gf?:no If not, do you have a crush?:yes. yes. Are you a flirt?:with him How many bfs/gfs have you had?:like 4 Has anyone ever been in love with you?:yea. Do you believe in love at first sight?:ehh What is the furthest you have gone with the opposite sex?:make out If so, were you emotionally attatched to this person?:no hes a butthead Do you believe in love, period?:yea RandomWhat do you want to be when you grow up?:singer Do you plan on marrying?:yea What makes life a success?:love, happieness, faith Who is the person you trust the most?:god. Do you get along with your family?:not my parents but my sister and i are best friends Are you happy with who you are?:sometimes
Beauty, Body and Social/Opposite Sex Survey brought to you by
BZOINK! check that<3 have an amazing day