(no subject)

May 29, 2006 22:42

Well...I have mixed feelings. Evil Jean was fun and hot. Lovelorn Logan was not. Spineless Rogue was frustrating. Kitty was...I don't know, I don't see why she had such a big part when she was not featured at all in the last two movies. Wierd. Bobby was lame as always. Rogue/Bobby was boring. Angel was pointless. Magneto kicked ass. The professor's death was sad, very sad, but the end of the credits...so good. Mystique's end was such a waste of a good character, and her helping the government so quickly made no sense. Scott death was sad, again, a waste of a good character.

But all the death scenes were handled well, especially Xavier's. Magneto shouting "No!" in the background is very powerful, even more so because of the opening of the movie when you see they are friends, travelling together, helping collect mutant children for tutelage. They're so gay.

I wish Rogue had accepted her powers and kicked ass in the end. But obviously the cure isn't permanent, so she's going to have to accept it sooner or later. Oy. Why are the writers so dead set on making her powerless? It's really frustrating.

Magneto's new cronies were cool. I liked the one that could make shock waves. She looked like a transvestite, but it was alright. The spikey Asian was ok, but the black chick, the one that could sense powers, was very cool. I wish they hadn't all been obliterated. Thanks Pheonix. Oh, but the special effects during that scene, in the end when she's going totally phsyco, were neat. The wall of water, the desintegrating people and cars, and Logan being melted down to his adamantium skeleton were all super cool.

But back to complaing.

Mystique helping the government so easily makse no sense to me. She spent the better half of her life killing and hating humans, how could she then just switch sides without a seeming care in the world? She obviously loves Eric, so his seemingly easy rejection of her must have hit harder than the writers let on. So, instead of being pointless with scenes of Angel doing and saying nothing, why not develope her (or Rogue's) much more important story?

I think this movie is not as good as the first two, but I simply feel that way because my two favorite characters were basically non-existent in it. But other than that, it's a good movie. Good sound and special effects, slightly choppy but overall ok writing, and nice new mutants (except Angel who was so undeveloped, and Kitty who was made far too important and way too doe-eyed).

In my opinion? B-.

Lots of spoilers and complaining.
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