this sucks...

Nov 19, 2005 21:02

things really suck right now. i dont know what else to say without upsetting myself. things just suck. im upset, im sad, so bad that im sick, and im hurt... really bad.

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Comments 7

neonrage___x November 20 2005, 04:10:50 UTC
Alex, I love you. :}


volcanobassgirl November 20 2005, 04:46:10 UTC
call me


aquariusjunky November 22 2005, 01:28:51 UTC
hey i never got an email from the lj service tellin me u left this comment. i'll call u asap ok? i'll see u thursday hopefully? <3 love you


k00shiekid November 20 2005, 13:09:25 UTC
Luv luv luv. <3 (Can you imagine me saying the sentence "I love you" without sounding silly? I can't. But in any case, that's what I mean.)


__mourningstar November 20 2005, 19:41:02 UTC
I'm here if you need me. And I'll do some ass kicking. Or at least evil bitch glaring.


aquariusjunky November 20 2005, 21:41:54 UTC
NO! PLEASE NO! i appreciate that ur there for me, but please for the love of pete no ass kicking or glaring. theres none needed. im sure


silntnightmare2 November 21 2005, 00:32:26 UTC
Its the cold weather...
Everyone gets that its called "seasonal depression" you'll get sad and sick and stuff for about a week and a half then you'll feel betterer!


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