Title: Adrift
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7
Genre: Family/General
Character/s; Lyn, Madelyn
Pairing/s; none
Notes: pregame, 302 words in total
Blood. Screaming. The cries of the mothers and wailing babies as they were slaughtered. The desperate gasps of women who were struggling to breathe. The clashes of steel against steel and then of crimson blood, tainting the green fields...a hole in the ground suddenly opened up and she was falling, falling into a dark abyss which showed no end.
“Father!” she tried to scream but strangely no sound reached her ears.
“I can see something?” she thought, as she looked down, she could see the flames that eagerly awaited her, someone whispering her name, a strange cold voice whispering her name,
“Lyn? Oh Lyn? Lyn, darling...” the voice sounded mocking and cold. How did this person know her name? It was getting stronger now, with each passing second.
It was going to get her.
She knew it.
Just as her body touched the flames, she could feel herself vanishing into the air.
“Lyndis, darling, did you have a bad dream?” her mother stood over her, her eyes dulled with sleep and concern. Lyn got up and embraced her mother tightly, burying her small face in her mother’s clothes reassuringly and smelling the sweet, musky smell that her mother always carried with her. She felt her mother smile against her head. After a few moments, they let go,
“Go back to sleep, my dear” Madelyn said gently, Lyn clutched fearfully at her mother as she shook her head, her eyes bright with fear at the prospect of another nightmare.
Her mother gently freed herself of Lyn’s grip and laid her down, despite her protests.
“It’s O.K. , the nightmares won’t come again, I’m here” Madelyn assured her child, Lyn nodded and closed her eyes as her mother stroked her hair soothingly and gently hummed her favourite lullaby.
And Lyn drifted off to sleep.