Tell me, for the love of whatever you deem holy, that you're pulling my leg

Apr 05, 2007 04:06

(lj cut doesn't seem to be working...sorry)

The video:

Feint2006 (2 weeks ago)
Bud is shit!!! Americans can't make prober beer! Only drink that you can call as a beer is produced in Britain or Germany. IMO

drpepper4413 (2 weeks ago)
Prober??? way to go there genious. At least we can spell.

Feint2006 (2 weeks ago)
But that's almost all you can do!!!!

ShadowSoldier6x6 (2 weeks ago)
heh. it's "genius". ironic typo eh? =P

ventcoreninja (2 weeks ago)
Really? Apparently Americans cant spell either

badreef (2 weeks ago)
bud sucks..but that was corona, mexican beer..and btw belgium makes the best beer...stella, the "wife beater"

flecky101 (2 weeks ago)
it may taste like piss
but its sure better than that shitwater you call bud

audiocable (2 weeks ago)
how do u know what piss tate like?

red95isback (2 weeks ago)
do you taste piss alot?

afireinsidehavokfan (2 weeks ago)
and you would know what piss tastes like how?

itzLeo (2 weeks ago)
coronas the best, add a bit of lime and its spot on

wheels85 (2 weeks ago)
Doesn't the fact that you have to add ANYTHING to it prove that it's shit. You shouldn't have to add lime to beer to make it taste better. If you need citrus flavor in your alcohol, drink Mike's.

Kazuma7389 (2 weeks ago)
Just because Americans are drinking it doesn't mean it's good. After all, Americans are really fucking stupid.

militaMem3 (2 weeks ago)
we're not all that way u dumbfuck!

Oliviandeus (2 weeks ago)
wow and ur coming up with the insult dumbfuck, which if u werent stupid u would realise is actually two words not one, really proves it, you are in fact the epitome of genious

kaisonmoore (2 weeks ago)
you spelt genius wrong...

SLOWandDIZZY (2 weeks ago)
You spelled spelt wrong.

livingpassion (2 weeks ago)
Haha, can't believe I'm getting involved in one of these comment wars but technically "spelt" is a perfectly acceptable alternate spelling for "spelled."

JorickHorn (2 weeks ago)
Yet, you decided to write "u" instead of "you." How much more time would it have taken you? Only twice as long as it would take for militaMem3 to put a space in dumbfuck, which is, contrary to your belief, a commonly used curse.

HentaiGaiJin (2 weeks ago)
This is interesting! I think it can be either! "Dumb fuck" being an adjective describing a noun - an unintelligent fuck. Or, with the stress put on the first syllable, (imagine "asshole") "dumbfuck", being a noun - a stupid person.

seanmetcalf (2 weeks ago)
and you spelled you're "ur" ,realize "realise" "is" should be it is, and genius "genious"
oh yeah, I am an American

Boompass (2 weeks ago)
really? we couldnt tell from your americaniSation of words.


ThisWorldIsNotForUs (2 weeks ago)
Realize is the American way.
Realise is the British a.k.a. traditional way.

randyjsing (2 weeks ago)
matriculate is one's in the dictionary. Secondly, the idiot was putting down my country which was the real insult. Better be glad we fought with you in WWII!!! Love ya!

randyjsing (2 weeks ago)
Uh...that's why foreigners decide to "matriculate" at American colleges, because Americans are stupid? Oh, okay. Look up matriculate then comment back!

ManSeekingMonkey (2 weeks ago)
Dude, you matriculate from high school, thats why grade 12 is called matric. You dont matriculate from college stupid!!!!

randyjsing (2 weeks ago)
I was referring to a college or university...please look up the definition before you pop off...I was saying that those who put down America from other countries have no problem attending American colleges. Please look it up! To attend a COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY...forget it...

Oliviandeus (2 weeks ago)
doesnt that refute the point u try to make, showing that as the us colleges are comprised of foreign students payed for by americans in fact the americans must be "dumbfuck['s]" as they pay for foreigners to learn in colleges made up of foreigners. But good point the american government must be as dumb as

Moof90 (2 weeks ago)
you need some serious therapy u got issues
why dont u just go jerk off into your mothers dress that oughta relieve some pressure cause u are fuckin tense

hesHUGE (2 weeks ago)
really if you hate america stop looking at american generated things you dolt

realeverton1 (2 weeks ago)
haha serious.. some people are fucking stupid

Sylantnight (2 weeks ago)
lol what makes u think this is just about america? After all, that beer is sold world wide. You're the one who's "fucking stupid".

ILuvReznor (2 weeks ago)
hahaha thats a good one
but we are the ones saving everybody's sorry asses from themselves
you dont think so? dont say it too loud, we can nuke you if we please

mrrogersbirthday (2 weeks ago)
Yeah, I checked out your channel, and it says you believe in telekinesis.
Maybe you should levitate yourself a good reason to call AMERICANS stupid?
I await your rebuttal...

xoxSingOutLoud (2 weeks ago)
why does everything turn into an american bashing session?

vampirereconsint (2 weeks ago)
You have yourself a good point...

ScotchyMcDewars1979 (2 weeks ago)
Thats why we are the number one super power and why all you pussies come crying to us when theres a problem and illegal assholes are jumping the borders like cockroaches LOL

kenshinoro (2 weeks ago)
right... america is going to go into another depression because they have to rely on other countries and borrow money, when the countries want their money back its going to be hell.

daftpunx234 (2 weeks ago)
...what are you talking about? that has nothing to do with freezing beer

goliathm (2 weeks ago)
Maybe America should ask for some of those trillions back. You know; the trillions of dollars in aid that the U.S. gives to needy countries.
Example 1)The U.S. dropped the majority of the debt that Africa owes it.
Example 2)After that massive tidal wave, you know wich on I'm talking about, the U.S. sent a massive amount of recourses to India and other countries. Then France started insulting us for not sending more, even though they sen one-tenth of what we sent.

z32na (2 weeks ago)
you know your beer sucks dick when you have to add lime so it taste better.
european beer= real beer

guitarguy97 (2 weeks ago)
yeah, i'd have to agree, but at least learn to spell, mang.

Furrowbrow (2 weeks ago)
Now that is true. And there are thousands of different varieties, too.

pizzabeer (2 weeks ago)
European beer is the best i´ve ever had!
Go and buy a sixer of BECK`S, because it´s the best you´ll ever get.

flecky101 (2 weeks ago)
here here!

afireinsidehavokfan (2 weeks ago)
cause beer now has the ability to actually suck a dick now right?

AnonimatiumStrikesBk (2 weeks ago)
you racist asshole

quintuplet701 (2 weeks ago)
Wow. A simple, harmless joke made quite a flaming war.... Lighten up, people!

Kazuma7389 (2 weeks ago)
It wasn't a joke. Americans are fucking stupid. :)

xoxSingOutLoud (2 weeks ago)
Have you ever BEEN to america? or met and American?

kennyrogers71 (2 weeks ago)
I don't think he can hear you.

29palms4u (2 weeks ago)
You don't know that Mr. Roger's....

kenshinoro (2 weeks ago)
yes it sucks and they are stupid

Feint2006 (2 weeks ago)
I've met and in fact they are!! SORRY!!

UKMonkey (6 hours ago)
Yes - and I had some beer there as well ... The local stuff tasted like water, the imported stuff tasted crap.
2 months later and I was glad to go home and have an ale.

quintuplet701 (1 week ago)
Not all of them, but the ones who flame others like this make me wonder. Also, anyone in the world with a decent internet connection, can start a flaming war, so in a way we can all be stupid ;)

UKMonkey (6 hours ago)
This may scare you, but the US & Canadian pubs claim to have real ale ... which they serve to you chilled. I felt lucky when I was able to find a pub selling bottles of Fullers, but that was chilled as well.

cciemail (2 weeks ago)
you're just saying "Mexican Horse Piss" because you're a racist dumbfuck who don't know anything about beer.

Oliviandeus (2 weeks ago)
oh and randyjsing next time u try to sound smart by using a thesaurus ( that book which gives words you cant even read to use in place of duuuuuuu and huck'a'yuk'a'yuk'yuk) do a little reaserch, matriculate means to be added to a list not enroled there is a difference, a roll is a list OF MEMBERS, a list could be anything, like people who think americans are mostly dumb and the number of intelligent people are in fact far below average and actually being bred out, and educated against.

Zerrith (2 weeks ago)

patio87 (2 weeks ago)
And yet the US continues its domination of almost every field, if that makes us stupid it doesn't say much about anyone else.

Kazuma7389 (2 weeks ago)
Those two things are irrelevant to each other. We could be dumb as hell and still kick ass. Look at us.

Stillremains1 (2 weeks ago)
You just put yourself below America..If your "dumb as hell" and "still kick ass", and we kicked your ass in WWII, that means we're smarter than you, and since we're "fucking stupid", you guys are REALLY fucking stupid.

BUT, I still love Asia for all your technology I use, namely my bad ass guitar which originated in Japan.

AlkalineEight (2 weeks ago)
and this goes for you too, asshole. keep your polical shit in a place where it is relivant! stop boring everyone else with this kind of stuff!

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
I don't understand why everyone thinks America is number one. Norway has a higher GNP and HDI, which means on average, each person in Norway makes more money, has better education, healthcare, and a longer life expectancy than those in the U.S. Oh yea, they manage to stay out of a lot of wars. They also are the second most environmentally sustainable country (meaning they don't pollute much and have long-lasting resources).

I wish I could move to Norway as I am Norwegian decendant. America is a War Making Corrupt country with its nose in everybody business and it makes me ashamed to call myself an American.This place will be wiped off the map the way its going.Whats interesting is the pureness of the Norwegian blood.Its truely honorable to see that.

malejested (2 weeks ago)
What does purity of blood have to do with anything?

seedetailsbelow (2 weeks ago)
pureness of blood? like nazi ethnic cleansing for purity? haha jk, and if america wasnt in everyones business then the world would be in worse shape than it is now, we practically saved the world in ww2

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
We didn't enter WW2 with the intention of saving the world. We also didn't have to bomb Japan at the end. They were already going to give up. We also didn't have to keep the Phillipines. We tricked them into thinking they were fighting for independence. Just know that when America enters a war, it is never to "spread freedom" as the government always says. Every country is selfish and in it for their own needs though. We just show it more, I guess.

olympicsnow (2 weeks ago)
You and me are about the only 2 people that seem to be telling the truth about this sort of thing.
I just hope that nobody comes after us hoping to erradicate decent people.

mystic101 (2 weeks ago)
lol didn't you ever study WWII? If you studied the pacific front at all, you would understand what the crazy militaristic mentality of the Japanese army. They could live off a few handfuls of rice a day, had superior weaponry, and never surrendered. And that was on some foreign rock in the middle of ocean. Imagine the ferocity of their defense of their homeland. The death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands for each side.

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
Lots of evidence JP was already going to surrender before bombing. Will shorten evidence b/c of character limit:
1)Report of US War Dept Strategic Bombing Survey, 1945: "Certainly prior to 31 Dec 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 Nov. 1945, JP would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invcasion had been planned or contemplated.

Dermo314 (2 weeks ago)
plz i would like to see the evidence that you have... I would love to see if wut u say is true

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
2)Book:Great Mistakes of the War, 1950
At the Potsdam conference, we offered JP an ultimatum-unconditional surrender(remove the emperor)or face "prompt and utter destruction" of JP. JP was already trying to negotiate ending the war with us. "We demanded unconditional surrender, then dropped the bomb & accepted conditional surrender cont.

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
cont) , a sequence which indicates pretty clearly that JP would've surendered even if the bomb had not been dropped, had the Potsdam Declaration included our promiseto permit the Emperor to remain on his imperial throne"

We bombed Japan so that they'd surrender to us only, not the Russians. We no longer had to struggle with Russia over JP's destiny. Ok I need to study for final exams this week. If u reply, dont expect one from me fora while. eek.

oxygen1234 (2 weeks ago)
Yea, sometimes I wish I was born in Norway too. Sweden and Finland aren't that bad either. I am American too. If I moved there now, I would never be able to adapt. I wonder how the majority of people there feel about us Americans.

cciemail (1 week ago)
actually, not anymore. for example, for cell phone technology, probably finland is leading. for wireless networking, probably korea or taiwan. there's been a trend in recent years of technology moving out of the US. in the future, china and india may become the leaders in technology.

EthanE3Eves (2 weeks ago)
ma·tric·u·late /v. məˈtrɪkyəˌleɪt; n. məˈtrɪkyəlɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[v. muh-trik-yuh-leyt; n. muh-trik-yuh-lit] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -lat·ed, -lat·ing, noun
--verb (used with object) 1. to enroll in a college or university as a candidate for a degree.

Not Quite.

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