Title: Floating Away
Pairing: Joondoong
Rating: PG
Word Count: 629
a/n: yes, so, lately ive been feeling like the queen of cheesiness, ahaha...>__>...anyways, first fic ive written for this couple, or any mblaq couple actually. just a little drabble, unedited, three in the morning effort :D! enjoy!
"Doong-ah, you awake?"
He creeps into the bunk, leans against the wall and relaxes next to his dongsaeng's head.
They sit in the dark for a few minutes, Cheondoong deciphering whether or not he should just ignore Joon and go back to dreaming or actually stay up and listen to his hyung’s pointless bickering, at two in the morning. The former seemed a lot more tempting.
"Let me see your hand."
He's pouting, Cheondoong could just sense it, and he doesn’t feel like moving his hand out from underneath the confines of warmth - he’s too lazy - but he gives his hand anyways.
"You know, I read somewhere that the spaces between your fingers..."
He intertwines their hands.
"...they were created so that another's could fill them."
He wanted to believe it was a dream, but the warm hand in his reminded him he was still awake.
“I have something to confess!”
They're in the middle of filming, and he's sitting in between a noona and Seungho. With hands entwined underneath a blanket, surges of electricity are running up his arm, tingling through his palm and fingers. They're tickling his right hand, the one holding the noona's. Maybe it was uncomfortable and awkward or maybe pleasure from the lack of contact from the opposite gender, he didn't know. The hand holding Seungho's was perfectly content, though.
“We’re holding hands, right? I’ve realized my hand is bigger!”
Everyone's laughing then, from her comment. Cheondoong laughs along just to hide his insecurities from the camera, and he absentmindedly balls his hands in small fists.
Now both of Joon’s hands are tingling, and he has the urge to hold those hands, find out how they fit with his.
His hands didn’t stop tingling throughout the rest of the filming.
Cheondoong’s hands really were small, they were bony and thin, but he found that they fit just about right when clasped with his own.
“Hyung, why are you sitting in the dressing room?”
“I was cold, and it’s warm in here.”
“So rather than putting on another hoodie, you sit in the dressing room by yourself…?”
“Ya! It’s nice in here! Here, sit next to me.”
Cheondoong never said no to Joon’s offers, and it was by natural instinct that he closed the door behind him and sat down.
“Hey, it is pretty warm in here.”
Somewhere along the line, Joon ended up grabbing Cheondoong’s hand, saying something like my hands are still cold, and Cheondoong just scoffed at the excuse, shook his head disbelievingly, you’re so touchy, hyung.
Later that night, Byung Hee entered the dressing room to see his band mates sleeping soundly on the floor, limbs connected at the hands.
“I like your hands. They feel nice.”
“…stop being a pervert, hyung.”
Joon choked on his saliva, embarrassed at the double meaning of his statement, he hadn’t even realized how wrong that sounded.
“Ya! You know I didn’t mean it in that way!”
“I’m sure you didn’t.”
He stopped talking, his words were lost somewhere in his mind, and he sulked, silently of course. Cheondoong grabs at his hand, smoothes out the clenched fingers and flattens out the tension.
“It’s okay, hyung. I like your hands too. They’re kind of rough, but I like them.”
Joon saw a twinkle in his eyes and a smirk on his lips, and the subtleness of it all was almost ironic.
“So, someone once told me the reason as to why we have these spaces between our fingers…”
He threads his fingers through Joon’s, felt like he was floating away. He almost believed it, but the warm hand in his own reminded him that he was in the realities of his dreams.
a/n: so, the idol army episode is episode four and the dressing room scene is a real scene that GO experienced (Joondoong sleeping while holding hands while in the dressing room). Yes, I am aware I can write better than this, but maybe next time, when I actually have the time to edit my work T___T...
comments are appreciateddd~!