i'm putting off getting dressed. soooo annoooying, clothing is.
First best friend: some girl that moved away to houston that i don't really remember except that she always wore an astros t-shirt. and then probably like... nicole george or marissa soto or something weird.
First car: the effing crv, look how long that lasted.
First date: i don't know if i've ever really been on a real date. but, a "date", i remember going on a group date (as in, i didn't want to go by myself so i made all sixteen of my best friends in middle school go with me) to see oh brother where art thou with richard thomas in sixth grade.
First real kiss: i don't want to talk about it. no no. scratch that. andy.
First screen name: probably something gay like strawberriegurl484001 or something. i went through screen names like toilet paper or something.
First funeral: i think my grandpa. i don't remember one before that. and i really don't even remember that. but i remember my grandma giving these people a big big hug and saying how much she's missed them and then i asked who they were, and she leaned over to me and said "No clue". it was funny.
First pets: pearl and terra, dogs, and sneaky snake and scabby, cats.
First piercing/tattoo: ears. only
First credit card: aw hell to the no
Last cigarette: yessterdayy...? fucking gross.
Last car ride: like 30 minutes ago.
Last kiss: last night? yes.
Last good cry: i dont know
Last library book checked out: i haven't returned animal farm after two years so they won't let me check books out
Last movie seen: i watched that movie match point the other night. fucking sucked.
Last beverage drank: this frapaccino. its weird i dont drink these, especially not after such a huge lo mein lunch.
Last food consumed: lunch
Last phone call: maaaargaret
Last time showered: just now.
Last shoes worn: flip flops
Last CD played: some mix i found that is rather good
Last item bought: uh. food. where else do my funds go
Last annoyance: dirty bathroom. i'm not sure who's job it is to clean it anymore. i think my mother abandoned all of her previous duties to become a bellydance instructor with a huge advertisement on wheels. fucking weird.
Last disappointment: i dont know. im trying not to find a medium between pessimistic and optimistic and this leaves me not disappointed but confused.
Last time wanting to die: i dont know. really, never. i mean, really really, never.
Last time scolded: probably some teacher today, none of them are particularly fond of me
Last shirt worn: some weird ray one. FUCK dress code i don't know how to do it.
Last website visited: livejournal i guess. ugh, i am annoying
Last word you said: you
Last song you sang: that one travis sang in forever plaid. coach arvin got it into my head and its been there for three days now.
Current mood: uh. rather blank really
Current music: commercials
Current taste: coffee/whipped cream/fat gross
Current hair: wet, tangled, split ends, ghetto looking highlights, the typical out of hand mess basically
Current longing: a personal makeup doer
Current desktop picture:
Current hate: coffee
Current color socks: pff, i dont even remember when i wore socks last
Current under-the-bed residents: trash probably
Where do you want to go? awayyy
What is your career going to be? who fucking knows. probably waitress or stripper or tattoo artist.
Where are you going to live? awayyy
How many kids do you want? none. not really. one. maybe two. probably not. one.
What kind of car(s) are you going to have? whatever. something not lame.