Application - The Black Priests

Aug 08, 2034 11:40

Name or Preferred Name: Ryuuto
Age (Please, remember no one under the age of sixteen): 18
Personal LiveJournal: merlin_star
Preferred E-mail Address:
Contact (AIM/ MSN/ etc.): AIM - justicehero704

Character's LiveJournal (Please have an HMD post in place): aquilaflying
Link to Fandom Wiki:
Point at which character was taken at in canon (Chapter, episode, etc.): Modern 2010
If applicable, do you play any other characters in theblackpriests ? Whom? N/A
Character's Personality (One to two paragraphs, please): Alfred is a go-getter, and an impulsive one at that. He is always willing to try new things, and he can be quite the daredevil. Alfred has a cheerful, optimistic viewpoint on life, almost to the point of being completely naïve. He is accepting of others, and he loves life. He really comes alive by interacting with other people. Alfred isn’t experienced in many things, but he has much in the way of experience when it concerns being social to various people.

His borderline hyperactive tendencies usually land him into trouble. Alfred comes off as an individual who isn’t very knowledgeable. He isn’t a world history buff, and even then he only knows a bit of British history. Mainly, he knows everything there is to know about American history. Alfred knows enough Spanish to get him by, but he is fluent in Sign Language. He excels in sciences and math, and he is all right in the English department. He just lets people assume whatever they want about him. For the most part, Alfred is okay with that.

Though he is quick to deny it, he is afraid of ghosts. Sometimes, it’s a comical fear he has, but at others it can be very serious. He honestly tries to face his fear, but it seems to always backfire spectacularly. Alfred will be nervous about it, but he won’t hesitate to ask a friend (namely Arthur) if he can spend the night in their room.

Alfred can be incredibly stubborn when he wants to be. He has strong opinions that everyone should have equal rights, and supports the Civil Rights Movements. He doesn’t believe that anyone is above the law, not even the leader of a country. His sense of justice is strong, and he will fight for what he believes in. Sometimes, Alfred is hardheaded about it, and will either debate or argue if someone strongly disagrees.

Any special abilities or powers the character may have:

-Immortality: He lives for as long as the United States of America is still a nation.

-Because Alfred is a Nation, he can heal faster than a normal human.

-Super Strength: In canon, he can pull two heavy-duty trucks without breaking a sweat.

Character History (One to two paragraphs, please): When Alfred was a small colony founded by England in the 1600’s, he constantly depended on Arthur for many things. However, he was unable to get much in the way of companionship from the elder nation, since Arthur had to be in England for much of the year. Alfred loved him very much, but as he grew older, he felt that enough was enough. Arthur just couldn’t adequately care for him because of the distance, and the young colony rebelled.

The rebellion was a success, and he became a nation in 1776. All ties to England were cut off, and Alfred felt that it was for the better, despite the heartbreak. Afteward, he expanded, got into a war with Mexico, and gained many territories. Jackson’s reign in 1827-1835 was hard on Alfred, since that was when there were major efforts to wipe out the Native Americans. He couldn’t do anything to stop it or ease their pain.

When his 16th President was elected, Civil War broke out between the Northern States and the Southern States. It lasted from 1861-1865, and it took a hard toll on Alfred’s mental state. He had a severe mental breakdown, and the Reconstruction efforts eased a margin of his pain. However, during Reconstruction, his Constitution had three Amendments passed that would help protect the rights of his black citizens. Unfortunately, it would take until the late 1900’s for them to be truly effective.

Throughout the years, Alfred made sure to never meddle in the affairs of the other nations in Europe and Asia. He turned to an extreme isolation policy when World War I broke out among the European nations. In the last year of the war, Alfred entered it on the Triple Entente’s side. Then, he went back to being isolationist, leaving the other nations to decide Germany’s fate. That decision led to the era of the Great Depression.

During the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt made serious efforts to get America out of the huge Recession. Most of his policies were vetoed, but Alfred thought that his heart was in the right place, at least. What brought them out of the Great Depression was the outbreak of World War II.

Once again, Alfred tried to stay out of it, despite the pressure for him to join on the side of the Allies. After Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare, the Zimmerman Telegram, and Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, Alfred had finally had enough. He joined the war on the side of the Allies in 1941. It was an Ally victory, and this time Alfred would join the United Nations to help prevent another mistake that had led to the war in the first place.

His peace was short-lived, since in 1947 the Cold War between America and the USSR began. After dropping an atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima in Japan in 1945, it opened a nuclear arms race. During the Cold War, Alfred’s 37th President arose, and he was loved by almost everyone in the United States. John F. Kennedy focused on American-Russian relations during his administration. He created the Peace Corps for American volunteers to help countries in need of support. The Civil Rights Movement also occurred during his Presidency, and was viewed as unsupportive for the most part. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be alive to see the Apollo Project’s completion, when in November 22, 1963 he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

On July 20th, 1969, America was the first nation to have landed on the moon. In 1991, the Cold War ended, but there was still tension between Russia and America. During President George W. Bush, Jr’s time as President, America faced a terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001. The Twin Towers in New York City, New York fell as a plane hijacked by a terrorist crashed into the building. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and a third plane crashed harmlessly into a field in Pennsylvania. Afterward, America entered a war with Iraq and Afghanistan in retaliation. His current President, Barrack Obama, was trying to withdraw troops from Iraq and increase the ones in Afghanistan.

In-Character Journal Sample (First person [TEXT] point-of-view or [ACTION] with dialogue, please):

Okay, I dunno how any of this is even possible, but I’ll just roll with it for now. ‘Cause I know it’s supposedly a place that shouldn’t exist, but…seriously? A secret organization of Exorcists fighting things called ‘Akuma’ that look like humans until they start killing people? It’s kinda hard to swallow! And Arthur hadn’t mentioned this in the past, either…. Kinda sucks that my handguns won’t work on the bastards, though.

[Alfred sighs deeply.]

Whatever, then. I’ll just go grab something to eat!

Possible Plans (What does your character plan to do once joining the Order? This does not count towards the overall application process): Alfred would be alright as a Finder, but he prefers being part of the action. However, he’s curious about Innocence, and thinks that being a Finder will allow him to find out more sooner than later. He will also stay strictly on the side of the good guys.

Character Reference Photo (Not mandatory if character if from a non-visual media): [Hard to see, but his eyes are sky blue.]

!profile, !theblackpriests, !ooc, america

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