Title: Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down
northeto Rating: K+
Spoilers: Revelations (4.10)
Original fic link:
Of Dark and Dismal Fate
Word Count: 300
Summary of lyrics used as a prompt: Yet I weep/Not for the fallen/But for the unforgiven. (Diaspora Oratorio)
Disclaimer: I do not own BSG and make no money from this. I also do not own Pirates of Penzance, from which I borrowed my cut line. No copyright infringement is intended.
The word lands heavily on the freezing, dead shore, the wreckage of everything she has fought for and believed in.
They stand side by side, numbed by the crushing onslaught of emotions too numerous and hopelessly tangled with one another to separate and name.
Eyes fixed firmly on the horizon, he reaches out and takes her ice-cold hand in both of his. There is nothing else to do.
They do not speak as they return to the shuttle, picking their way over the ruins. There are no words adequate to this situation, so the silence fills the way from the dead planet to the dying ship.
When they get to his quarters, he tries to help her remove her coat, but she shrugs him off. She moves deliberately and singlemindedly to the coffee table, where the Book of Pythia lies.
She picks it up, flipping through the well-thumbed pages. She halts suddenly, and stiffens.
Her finger draws slowly across the words, as though wiping them out of existence, even as her voice, hollow and chilling, gives them life.
“Yet I weep, not for the fallen, but for the unforgiven.”
The silence is absolute.
Suddenly, in one swift moment she rips the page from it’s binding and crumples it in her fist, the sound as loud and harsh as if Galatica herself were being torn apart.
She begins to tremble, and Bill moves quickly to her side. She is shaking so badly that when he tries to guide her to the couch they end up sitting on the floor leaning up against it instead.
He wraps his arms around her and she turns into him, and buries her face in his shoulder.
“That was Earth,” she whispers, barely audible.
“I know,” he murmurs. “I know.”