Tagged by bateleur!

Mar 24, 2011 11:39

1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.

2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

I tag you if you want to be tagged.

1. How many clowns would it take to freak you out?

It would depend on the clown. In general, I'm not freaked out by clowns, but if one jumped out at me now from under the desk, I be really freaked out. I do get somewhat freaked by large crowds though, so a crowd of clowns would freak me out, but not because they were clowns.

2. What is your favorite card game?


3. Tea or coffee?

Coffee, thanks. White no sugar, unless it's nice, real coffee in which case I'll probably just have a little sugar, but no milk.

4. Five things you can touch right now without getting up.

My keyboard, dur. Interesting things? My iPod touch, a thimble, a 19th century chemistry textbook, a bookmark from Gdansk and a beach pebble from my psychologist.

5. You have to be somewhere on the fourth floor of a building. Do you take the lift/elevator?


6. How do you feel about your reflection?

Fine - I like the way I look. Wish I could see the back of my head sometimes. My smile is asymmetrical, and I like the fact that the face I see is the other way round from what other people see (I'm with bateleur that photographs look weird because they are the 'wrong' way round!).

7. What are you thinking about right now?

Whether to do some shelving, or continue to write some minutes so I can keep an ear on the cricket.

8. Write the first word that comes to mind.

I have spent a long time with ar_boblad. It was Bob. Then Sausage! and then Turnip.

9. Dog person or cat person?

Cat. I am aware that they are evil, but they are so good at the manipulation that I love them anyway.

10. If you came across $2,000 (or other currency) would you keep it or turn it in?

Turn it in. No hesitation. £20 is a different matter though - morally I'd feel bad about not handing it in, but I know that £20 is unlikely to be claimed by anyone. I'd probably give it to charity. Coins, however, I have no problem about picking up and spending. Maybe my morality does have a price ;)

11. What was the last thing that you bought?

Apart from lunch, which is boring, I bought a set of roll-on aromatherapy oil mixes, one of each of De-stress, Energise and Sleep. The Energise one has my favourite aromatherapy scents of bergamot and orange.

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Italy, Whitby, Cornwall.

13. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I'm avoiding future-thinking for now :)

14. Last book you read?

Sad thing, I haven't read many books in the past year or so. I put it down to depression that I just haven't had the attention span to read a book. I've read lots of fan fiction though.

15. What are you doing this weekend?

Going to a friend's birthday drinks, knitting and going to a Maelstrom player event.

16. What's your dream job?

Nothing. I would love to be able to afford not to have a job. Or get paid for doing my hobbies without having the stress of having to do them.

17. How are you?

Not so bad today.
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