
Sep 06, 2013 16:13

To preface, I know this is going to be a bit of a strange post, but its something I have to do. Hopefully it reaches the right people -- and hopefully it clears the air the way I've been promised it would ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

inbetweencabs September 6 2013, 20:43:41 UTC
I'm so proud of you, Ang. It takes someone really strong and amazing to overcome challenges that you have faced, and I'm really happy you're recovering and trying to reach out.

Here's hoping every thing turns out alright (and it will, because you deserve that) and I might not be always around, but I'm cheering for you and sending you virtual hugs the best that I can.

Take care, sweetie <3


arabella_hope September 9 2013, 19:49:55 UTC
Thanks, Anne. The best gift I've received so far is the ability to finally see how blessed I am with friends flung far and wide. Its really cool & I'm glad you're a part of that :)


yuppielawyer September 6 2013, 21:20:36 UTC
I'm so proud of you. I know that addiction is very powerful and overcoming it is not easy. I'm so happy for you that you are on this journey to recovery, and doing well. I know we had a scrape or two along the way, and, although I don't know if your alcoholism played a part in any of that, I want you to know that all is forgiven, and I will do anything I can to support you as you move forward.


arabella_hope September 7 2013, 02:51:24 UTC
Thanks, Shosh. There were def some jealousies & entitlement issues on my end, which stemmed from that constant self-centeredness that I was living in. I'm certainly still no saint, but now I can recognize that I was just expecting things/opportunities to be handed to me w/o working for them, ya know? Anyways. Thank you, your words mean a lot. <3


cjmarlowe September 6 2013, 21:43:29 UTC
I am very proud of you and I'm so glad to hear you're doing well, hon. <3 It's really good to hear from you.


arabella_hope September 9 2013, 19:51:21 UTC

its been weird being so absent from here, but its nice to know that the people I love & admire are easy to talk to & get back in touch with <3


littlepunkryo September 6 2013, 22:51:19 UTC
I'm so very proud of you bb ♥ You did good <333


arabella_hope September 9 2013, 19:52:17 UTC
Love you, Ryo! Everything going well? I want to def have a catch-up with ya <33333


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arabella_hope September 9 2013, 19:53:45 UTC
Thank you! I refuse to give it up no matter how I feel at any given moment -- and having my HP always on my side is a tremendous help. Love ya!


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