my dear seeker! I will miss you so!
Some thoughts on Tears, in no particular order:
- yay Verna! Verna kicks some serious ass - I was glad to see her in this.
- FUCK YES CARA IS IN CHARGE HERE! damn straight. Cara is in charge pretty much everywhere, really. : D
- BAMC !CONDAR Kahlan remains absolutely badass and I love her.
- Fuckin' richard and his inability to avoid traps. oy.
- It would have been fun to see where they're going with Nicci and Rahl. *sigh*
- Though I'm a bit sad there were no attempts to break through to Cara through actual, you know, emotions and stuff and Kahlan never really seemed too upset about the whole thing, my shippery little heart is still pretty satisfied with Cara's inability to shoot Kahlan in the back EVEN THOUGH she could just bring her back to life. It means it still fits in canon that Cara is basically in love with Kahlan, even if its one sided and she won't admit it. Because lets face it, Cara IS in charge. Except when it comes to Kahlan. When it comes to Kahlan, she's a woobie little marshmallow and I love it.
- The happy ending for Richard and Kahlan was nice, and sort of brought things back to the books, but it certainly was CHEPIC, no? So cheesy I was sort of hoping we'd get one last amazing eyeroll from Tab out of it. oh well.
- Zedd had some pretty awesome moments. I think. but I can't really remember them because there were too many badass women all around him that were far more interesting to me.
- They really brought back the PRETTY with the landscapes and cinematography on this one. props to the . . . everyone really.
Ok. I think that's it for now. At least we'll always have fanfic. And subtext. Delicious subtext.
ETA: Oops. Almost forgot Dahlia. which is . . . basically what the writers did. And it made me a bit sad. Until I got completely caught up in the rest of the epicness. But it seemed unfair and WAY oversimplified and convenient that Cara's unbreaking would reverse so much, and Dahlias apparently had no larger affect. At the very least I would think it would make Cara different person than we know her as, you know? Not that I particularly expected them to go that in depth with this in the single episode they had left but . . . still. This is why I don't watch seeker for deep emotional storylines. It's all about the crack, and I do still love my LOTS for that, whatever its shortcomings may be.