Title: Home At Last
Characters: Aki, Edwyn
Summary: Self-explainatory, I would think. ^_~
The story ends. The wanderers go home and the scribes set down their pens.
This is happy-ever-after.
But for some, the story lasts a little longer.
In another world, almost identical to the one left behind, where the differences are almost invisible but go clear to the core, the Maou sits on his throne. His husband sits beside him and in the shadows beside the throne, the Great Sage stands. The Sage is mostly silent these days, content to allow the Maou to make and correct his own mistakes now that the world is stable enough to allow for errors. But his silence is not peaceful, dark eyes shadowed by an unspeakable void. A fragment of his soul that is forever beyond his reach.
Thus it has been for many, many months, and thus it is today. The petitioners come before the throne in motely parade. The rich, the poor, the mad and the eccentric; all gathered to beg, request or demand something from the throne. The drone of voices fades back into chatter and the Sage allows his eyes to slide closed. The sudden wave of alertness that runs through the guards brings his head up sharply.
The Maou looks to him, then follows his gaze to a tall, cloaked figure. The prince-consort's eyes widen and he pushes himself upright, indignant and afraid. It is one of the laws of the land that no-one may approach the Maou without showing their face and the guards are all fully aware of it. "Who are you?!"
The Sage gathers his powers, eyes narrowed with suspicion as the Maou steps in front of his husband and echoes the question.
The stranger's laughter echoes in their minds, not their ears and the Sage feels his jaw drop as the stranger pushes back his hood, revealing bright golden hair and amused blue-violet eyes. ::Not the welcome I had imagined, I confess.::
The guards, petitioners, maids and advisors fall to their knees. The Maou and his husband sink more slowly to their knees, eyes wide and stunned. And the Sage...the Sage is running forward blindly until he collides with a solid, warm real chest and there are strong arms tight around him as he burrows up against the impossible, wonderful reality of his husband.
He feels the light pressure of lips against his forehead as the tears bleed out of that empty, aching hollow in his chest, letting it dissolve in the wonder of the moment and his words are breathless, damp with tears. "Welcome home, my heart. Welcome home."
All around them, the cheering starts to break out as the people of Shin Mazoku welcome their Shinou home.