Title: Imagine there's a girlfriend
Characters: Namine
Disclaimer: Not mine, I only play with them.
There are some drawings that don't come true, even for the elastic value of 'true' in Castle Oblivion.
They're the smallest drawings - the ones tucked into empty corners and blank margins. The ones that are all in greys and blacks. There's one of her, smiling and holding a cat who looks just as happy. Animals can't stand Nobodies, the lack in them triggering all the nasty instincts they have. Zexen told her that, smiling as she nursed a scratched arm and Larxene slowly crushed the panic-maddened kitten to death in the corner where Namine couldn't not see it.
Then there's the picture of her wedding dress and Sora, older, handsomer and still as spiky stands beside her. Another, with a sash and veil but this time it's Riku, smiling in that quiet way of his, who stands beside her. She tries her best to make the faces real - helped immeasurably by the brief encounters with them both. But lead and crayon are no substitute for flesh and blood.
She rips the drawings up, only to find the pictures invade her dreams instead. She wakes to a wet pillow and an empty room with only her own drawings, bright and crude on the walls, to distract from the emptiness of white.
Title: Imagine there's a job
Characters: Riku
Disclaimer: Not mine, I only play with them.
He sits at the fire and stares up into the empty black vault of the sky. He watches the subtle shades of blue and black melt into each other as the memory of the sun fades. He watches until the sky is dark enough that he can see the stars and then he stares up at the stars until Mickey - he insists Riku call him by name rather than title - starts to fuss over the crick he'll have in his neck.
He'll smile and laugh it off as 'tiredness' or 'daydreams' and eat his supper as they talk of the day and the next one until they're both yawning. Then Riku lies back and stares up at the star-spangled sky. Because, to him, stars are important. Stars mean hope in pitch black sky. Night is the ultimate Darkness with all light stripped away or puny before it. But even during the darkest hours of the night, there are stars - tiny pinpricks of light in the unimaginably vast distance.
So Riku watches the stars and renews his promise. He will make it right. He will make amends.
There will be Light in the Darkness.
Title:Imagine there's an answer
Characters: Roxas
Disclaimer: Not mine, I only play with them.
He wakes, cold and alone in the darkness, and then there are voices - people - to pick him up and tell him his name.
His name, his very own name taken from the Darkness. The man who gives him his name tells him that names are important and tells him of things like "power" and "wealth" and "freedom" that are important as well. Roxas accepts it as fact but "Freedom" means going where he's sent and doing what he's told; "Wealth" means an infinity of garish useless yellow cubes that clink and bounce when dropped and "Power" means giving white, serpentine people "freedom".
He learns more words, more meanings. Words like "Nobody" and "Heart" and "Enemy" that mean he's still nothing, still empty, still meaningless. But he learns to fight, learns to kill and learns to feel easy in his skin while the keyblades that are the only things that make him important enough to be wanted by the blacked robed others. He keeps quiet when they talk of a better future and kingdom hearts.
He keeps his head down, keeps forging doggedly forward until the day he ploughs headlong into Axel. The red-haired Nobody is an annoyance - he's heard Xemnas say so many times. "Annoying" seems to mean "bright" and "unstoppable" and "always there" and "always talking". Roxas finds the "annoying" almost ...comfortable. His silence sounds so much better when it's filled with Axel's chatter. Axel teaches him too - teaches him words like "fuck" and "bastard" and "pitiful" and "shiny" and "nice" - but Axel doesn't remind him that every lesson is a lesson he needs to make him that little bit more worthy of his place.
"Worthy" means something different when Axel says it.
Title: Imagine there's a God
Characters: Axel
Disclaimer: Not mine, I only play with them.
The Organisation talk about emotions all the time they aren't talking about how awful it is not to have any. Axel wonders, as he dispels his weapons with a weary flick of his wrists, if they're all fucking insane.
"Nobodies don't feel anything." Zemnas during his "Go, Team!" recruitment bullshit.
"It is simply the memories of your Somebody that you still cling to." Vexen, who didn't shut about that stupid joke for a week.
He looks around at this plastic, cheerful town with its plastic, smiling, frozen people and just doesn't get it. This is what's so fucking important to Roxas? This is worth forgetting everything he was and can be? This is worth forgetting his best friend?
"Fuck it." He says, stalking off in a swirl of black. He pokes the blond brat as he goes past but the time freeze keeps the kid oblivious and unmoving. "Can't even blow off some steam!"
Yeah, he decides, as the machine decodes him and he shivers back to his own lacklustre reality, the others are nuts. He feels like someone got a Rock Titan to sucker punch him in the chest and a fine tremour runs through his hands as he flexes them into fists. If this is only a "shadow" of emotion, anyone who wants the real thing is fucking certifiable!