Hello everyone !
As you may know, our beloved Tim DeKay is turning 50 next June. To celebrate his big birthday, we are gathering birthday wishes from all his fans from all around the world, to put into a book that will be delivered in person to Tim.
The idea of the book is to highlight the geographic diversity of Tim's fans. So, if you want to participate to the book here is what you need to provide:
- "Happy Birthday" in your own language (eventually your own local dialect, esp. for English speakers)
- A picture of where you live (it can be your country, your state, your city, a nice monument, your backyard, your favorite sport team)
- A picture of yourself, (or something representing yourself if you're too shy). This is not mandatory, but highly recommended, so that Tim can put a face on your greeting.
- A personal message for Tim.
Image requirements:
All images have to be in JPEG or PNG format. Minimun size is around 1500 px in width and height, but the bigger the best, so do not hesitate to excede those limits. Well, as long as each file is not bigger than 10 Mbytes. Be careful if you look for something online. Keep in mind that real photos, taken with a camera, or a phone (only then eventually photoshopped, but keeping the original quality) will render best, and also make your page more personal.
All these elements will be assembled to create a "postcard". Wonderful templates have been created by our very talented artists Jessy and
Your final page will be sent to you for approval before being inserted in the book.
Here are fictional examples of what a page can look like (if for example you are Little Miss Sunshine, from NYC, the space on the postcard is to add the personal greeting or message). A few changes might still occure, but this is basically the idea.
(Click on the images for original size)
If you are an artist, you can create your artwork, using the backgrounds given below and respecting the general organisation of the template. You can take liberties with the proposed format, as long as your creation is nice and in high quality. Also, even though we do not forbid pictures of Tim, remember that this is a gift for Tim, not for yourself. He'd rather see your sweet face than his.
Backgrounds available here:
http://rapidshare.com/files/3394448238/Backgrounds.zipPlease do not use them for any other work. They have been created by Jessy for this project, they belong to her.
Feel free to advertise this project to your friends and other communities, on LJ or elsewhere. You can use the banner on top for pimping.
But please, do not make public tweets on Twitter about the project, as Tim is pretty active there and it would ruin the surprise.
A donation to one of Tim's favorite charities will go along with the book (I was thinking
PATH, the charity Tim is involved in via Christmas Pudding, but if you know other charities dear to Tim, let me know). Obviously, this is not mandatory to be in the book, but a gesture, no matter how small or big, would be nice. If you wish to donate, please say so in your email along with your submission. I'll give you all the info on how to make your donation.
Everything should be sent to us at timdekayforum@gmail.com with "TDK birthday project" as a subject.
If you have any question, or any suggestion, you can contact
aragarna or
kanarek13, or send an email to the adress above.
Finale deadline is March 15th.
Note that the book is made for Tim and will be given to Tim only. It will not be made freely accessible by anyone online. This is to keep all contributions private and personal. So you do not have to worry about your picture or message being seen by anyone else but Tim (well, and me).