nevernilien [05 votes]
Please stick around for voting! ♥
People's choice:
mata090680 [03 votes]
[N = Negative votes & P = Positive votes]
01] -
mlledefer - N = 3/P = 1
[x] "The writing used looks pixely and is hard to see"
[x] "the text being large enough to be readable, but isn't readab le due to the font is really distracting"
[x] "The colouring is great, but the white brush doesn't really go with it and looks pixelated."
[x] "The coloring is very subtle but pretty. I also like the little touch of text."
02] -
idril_lalaith - N = 2/P = 0
[x] "a little oversharpened, the colouring doesn't really pop out and thus makes the icon look rather one dimensional"
[x] "The cropping is unoriginal and colouring dull."
03] -
nevernilien - N = 5/P = 1
[x] "the little red bit on the left side confuses a little, it's not really doing anything to the icon + the icon needs a little more contrast, otherwise the b/w effect isn't really working."
[x] "The red brush or texture used on the side doesn't fit well with the icon, it looks a bit too randomly placed"
[x] "The icons is too dark. The whiteness of the sky distracts too much from Aragorn's dark face. Also, the touch of red is a little out of place."
[x] "The red is a lovely touch, but Aragorn's face could use more contrast overall."
[x] "Aragorn is too dark and the focus of the icon is drawn to the red colouring which looks out of place."
[x] "good bw with a nice touch of color and a nice crop"
04] -
lunglock - N = 1/P = 1
[x] "the bw idea is nice to use, but here it doesn't help the picture and the cropping could perhaps be improuved"
[x] Positive [No comment]
05] -
mata090680 - N = 1/P = 3
[x] "the picture is too much contrasted and sharpened, so it's not clear. But the coloring is nice"
[x] "Lovely coloring, good texture use :)"
[x] "love the texture used...works very well with the image"
[x] Positive [No comment]
06] -
letoist - N = 2/P = 1
[x] "The colors are a little bit too washed out, at least around Aragorn's face. I do like the blue background, though."
[x] "colouring is rather dull and doesn't complement the image"
[x] "gorgeous blue sky, nice crop"
Participants Status
The following people are still in the contest. If you're name is not in this list, it means you have been eliminated/disqualified.
_elissabeth_idril_lalaithletoistlunglock mata090680mlledeferphantom_phan06 Thank you to all who participated in the challenge and voting.
A new challenge will be put up soon.