Drabble for December 3rd

Dec 03, 2007 17:42

For lindahoyland and alexa_johnson, who asked for sequels to December 1st's drabble, "New Beginnings." I know this isn't exactly what you asked for, but it popped out while I was writing your real request: so stay tuned for t'mw, when that will be posted.


Title: Appreciating the Moment
Characters: Faramir, Aragorn
Rating: G
Warnings: None whatever.

Faramir’s mind is far away, focusing intently on the procedure, ensuring that he moves at the right time and says the right words. He hardly even hears the King.

Then the King looks at him, and the swell in his heart draws his mind back to appreciate this great moment. The King - the King! - stands before him, and he, Faramir, is the one chosen by fate to stand here today. Then the White Rod is passed back to him, and he stares at it in confusion, for he had not heard the King’s proclamation, only the cries of the people…

Inspired by my own bad habit of letting silly stuff get in the way of appreciating important moments. :)

advent, fanfiction

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