Drabble for December 19th

Dec 19, 2007 23:01

Here is today's drabble, hope you enjoy!!

Sorry about the title, but I couldn't come up with anything, so I figured I'd go with the random quote that popped into my head, once again. It's... kinda appropriate, I guess...

Title: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Characters: Faramir, Mithrandir
Rating: G
Warnings: None whatever.

At first, he could not help but think ill of Faramir’s behaviour towards Frodo and Sam. He had threatened them, coerced them, even taken them to Osgiliath. Where was his old pupil, that deep-thinking little boy?

But looking into those eyes made him feel ashamed. Faramir was weary beyond all imagining, in body and soul. He did not have the benefit of Elrond’s council, did he? Nor did Frodo and Sam behave in a trustworthy fashion, did they?

That little boy was still there - it was he who had let Frodo and Sam go. And that was all that mattered.

advent, fanfiction

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