(no subject)

Nov 16, 2011 15:25

Dear Yuletide Writer,

(Copied near verbatim from my previous Yuletide letter because my preferences haven't really changed.)

Thank you so much for writing for me! You are quite the awesome person, and I'm glad that we have these fandoms and interests in common. I very much look forward to reading your story come the end of December - no matter where you decide to take it, I'm sure it will be brilliant! That said, I'm going to get a little bit specific here about what I like and dislike. But don't be alarmed, these are really just guidelines.

I like character driven fic - stories that explore who a character is, and facets of their personality that compliment what is shown to me by the original source. I like understatement and gradual change as much as I like grand, character-defining moments. And as much as I love introspective fic dwelling on the characters, I also like plot - though it doesn't have to be grand, universe-ending fare. Conflict doesn't have to be a major theme in your story, but it is always appreciated.

I also love romance in my stories, although this is by no means a requirement. This does not have to be outwardly stated or even acknowledged romance. Makeouts will never be remiss (or going further - sex is cool too), but don't feel obligated to write a steamy scene just because I like it! The buildup to something (whether that be a relationship or sex) can be just as sexy and fulfilling. (Just as a sidenote: I mostly requested het fic, because I mostly ship canon and most of that is oriented towards het pairings! Sorry, if you are a slash fan. You're probably better off writing gen if you're paired with me, tbh. More about this under the specific fandoms!)

I like happy endings, but I'm okay with fic getting dark. Major changes to the tone of the canon should be explained, if it's a more lighthearted story, but how the characters deal with the darker side of life can be interesting when handled with care. I'm not really going to like dubiously or non-consensual sex in my story, though - especially if it is gratuitous or fetishized. Please keep that in mind! Also, I'm going to dislike character bashing - especially the bashing of female characters, so please refrain!

Some other things that I love: ladies with agency, and stories that explore their lives and relationships, doofy characters, doofy dudes in love with aforementioned ladies, awkward conversations and awkward moments, explorations of power dynamics, worldbuilding, politics and political intrigue, deconstructions of fantasy and the relationship between magic and the mundane,
misunderstandings and stubbornness, ladies crossdressing (for whatever reason), and ridiculous AUs. I figure that's a pretty large pool to pick from, though every story need not have every one of these elements!

Now for the individual fandoms, which is what you're really looking for!

Young Wizards

This is my forever fandom, and thus, anything that you might choose to write for me here would be fantastic, and I would be beyond thrilled. I love all of the characters, each and every one, and they all deserve more fics! (All of them!)

As for characters, I requested Roshaun, Dairine, Nelaid & Miril, because all of my feelings are for Wellakh and its tragic tragic royalty & also for Dairine. I adore these guys and the political mess that they are in! I want all of the fic about Dairine & Roshaun as buddy wizarding partners, and also as possible romantic partners, but I thoroughly enjoy them butting heads. And I adore Nelaid & Miril as a political power-duo rulership, being fierce and making political decisions. Anything exploring and expanding on the personal and political facets of Wellakh sounds like an amazing time.

But, really, anything for this fandom would be lovely! In fact, if you have a fic that you've been dying to write for this fandom, consider this your tacit invitation to do so! (In case my ship preferences will sway you - I ship about middling conservatively in this fandom, which is to say, Kit & Nita stan for life, I adore Tom/Carl, Dairine/Roshaun is already a given, and I swing back and forth on whether I ship Carmela with Ronan or not.)


This series remains and probably will remain one of my all-time favorites, and it's always baffled me that the fandom is so small! But that means that I get to request it for Yuletide once again! Last year I was given a stunning fic by blue (r_lee), that I still adore.

I requested Firo, Ennis, Luck, and Eve, and I guess unsurprisingly I ship Firo/Ennis and Luck/Eve? That's not to say that you have to write these pairings, or even that you have to write them exclusively! I would adore any fic about these guys, and most especially about Ennis and/or Eve Genoard, who are, imo, two of the most fascinating characters in the series. (The girls are my favorites in this series, just generally, but these two take the cake.)


Seeing as post-Leviathan fic is about the only thing my friendlist and tumblr friends have been talking about, uhh, at all, I feel a bit like a broken record on this subject, but: I want post-Leviathan fic! I want fic about Deryn and Alek coming further into their new relationship, I want fic about them learning about all of the complexities and strangenesses of life and adulthood, and I also want adventure! Intrigue! Derring-do! Spies & stuff!

I also requested Nora Barlow and Lilit, because I think that they are both rad, and even though I adore Deryn and Alek forever, if Dr Barlow and Lilit feature heavily into a story, I don't suppose I can say no to that!

For more information on me and my preferences, just head to my tumblr to check it out! I have tags for each of my requested series: Young Wizards, Baccano!, and Leviathan


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