Arashi's Ninomiya Kazunari (28), who on the 26th started doing Arashi's Waku Waku School in Tokyo Dome, recently spoke for the first time about his [rumored] relationship with model Sasaki Nozomi (23), saying, "We get along normally." It was back in May that publications first began to allude to Ninomiya and Sasaki's more than neutral relationship.
With a soft smile, Ninomiya responded to, "So you're saying your relationship is going fine, then?" with "It's normal." "Friends? Yes." he also said, putting an emphasis on the fact that they're friends.
After the interview conducted before the final of the Waku Waku School performances, the press tried to call him out again while leaving. Ninomiya, though with a momentarily surprised expression, dealt with them immediately.
Last month there were reports of the two's getting to know each other and repeated home dates. After reports surfaced, the jimusho spoke on behalf of both parties, stating that, "They're each others' friends."
At Sasaki's event in May, she issued this suggestive remark, "Because I get lonely, I always want to be with friends." When faced with frank questions about his relationships, Ninomiya's response was nothing but a smiling face and silence.
rough translation done by me from
Daily Sports Onlineother reports (Japanese) can be found @
Sponichi Annex,
Sanspo and
TV Asahi News