Hell hath no fury like a pissed off gay man!!!!!!!!!

Sep 15, 2008 04:35

ok this is going to be me ranting so bear with me please, I just need to get all this off my chest ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

onevos September 15 2008, 09:18:45 UTC
From what you say, doesn't sound like the type of lady that deserves your crying and being stressed over. Heck, it's pry what she wants. Elevated emotions get in the way of communication, which is important with these things. Best thing I could do here, if at all possible an bareable, is to be the more mature one and not raise my voice.

It's amazing how much MORE it can piss off an angry person talking to them with a calm, steady, low voice! Trust me!!!


aramillimara September 16 2008, 20:52:05 UTC
There is no calmly speaking to her trust me:)


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aramillimara September 16 2008, 20:52:35 UTC
Yeah well I will just be glad when she is gone:)


jennay2 September 16 2008, 01:46:24 UTC
can you survive if you kick her out? Cause it sounds like thats what you need to do


aramillimara September 16 2008, 20:52:59 UTC
I already told her should could go:)


loovebomb September 16 2008, 10:10:26 UTC
what a bitchh! (i'm keshia, btw) i saw you on an add me journal.

i'm adding you. :]
add me?


aramillimara September 16 2008, 20:53:25 UTC
Hey Keisha its a pleasure to meet you:)


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aramillimara September 16 2008, 20:53:51 UTC
Yeah Jaye and I are considering getting our own place next year.


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