Kyou Kara Mao - Flopsies - Pg-13 - Daegaer-inspired.

Jun 01, 2005 00:28

Title: Mother's Day
Rating: PG at worst
Prompt: "Resigned Yuuri"
Word Count: 108 words

Yuuri eyed the bath, mentally calculating how long it would take to fill and deciding that it'd take too long. Besides, with his luck, the Original King would refuse to pull him through and he'd end up drowning in his own bath.

Nothing else for it then, but to brace himself and take it like a man. It was only once a year after all and it did make his mum so happy.

"Yuuuuuuriii! Are you ready yet?"

"Hai!" Yuuri cast one last look at his reflection and sighed. He loved his mother, really he did, but why was it always him she picked to play dress-up with?

Title: Forsworn
Rating: PG at worst
Word Count: 100
Prompt: "Angry Konrad"

The horse's hooves thundered over the dirt track and Konrad let out the reins, trying to urge the horse even faster. The Mao was in danger. Even without the magic that Gunther had used to guide them here, he knew it on some gut level. The same feeling that had warned him of the ambush, that he was skating close to death.

He was angry. Angry because the only alternative was fear and he refused to be afraid. He would rescue the Mao. He would finally see peace come to his family and friends.

He refused to consider any alternative.

Title: Noblesse Obligae
Rating: PG
Word Count: 244
Prompt: "Calm, polite Wolfram"

It was New Mao's biggest social event of the year - the Yuletide Ball - and everyone who was anyone thronged the halls of Blood Pledge Castle. King Yuuri was often called away to tend to matters of state which left his fiance to attend to their guests. Naturally the halls were filled with gossip.

One particularly catty matron was holding forth to her circle. "-can't see what he sees in the brat. Pretty, I grant you but well, you know how that family are. All good-looks and childish tempers."

The polite cough at her shoulder made the entire group jump. Wolfram inclined his head politely and seemed not to see the wave of mortified blushes. "Your pardon for intruding, countess, but dinner is being served."

"Oh. Thank you, your grace. Will you be joining us?"

Wolfram's face took on a faintly regretful expression. "In a short time, perhaps, I must speak with my brother before I dine. But do please enjoy the meal."

The blond bowed politely and vanished inside the study currently assigned to his brother. The countess and her cronies made their way to the dining hall, talking of the consort-to-be's sudden maturity and manners.

The frustrated scream was muffled by the thick door and walls. It did go on for quite a few minutes before Wolfram re-emerged, unruffled and calm. Gwendal staggered out a few minutes after that and seemed just a touch deaf for the rest of the evening.

Title: Your Eyes
Rating: PG
Word Count:
Prompt: "Envious Gunther"

I smile at the guards and hurry up the stairs. I know there is no word, can be no word this early but still, hope hurries me along. I brush past the mountains of paperwork that is starting to amass in the Mao's absence and pause beside Anissina-sama's latest, greatest invention.


I touch the crystal ball and lights flare to life, tracking my wishes and displaying my heart's desire. You come into focus slowly, it's dark and you are sleeping. Of course, you're half a world away so I shouldn't be surprised. Mr-seeing-From-Afar shows me the camp, with His Majesty and Wolfram dozing in their blankets.

I envy them. Envy them for being away from here and the hrumdrum existance. Young and passionate and off on such a grand adventure.

But most of all, I envy them for being with you.

fandom: kyou kara maou, fanfic, flopsies, challenges

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